The Hail You Say Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Hail Raisers #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hail Raisers Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 74379 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)

I also wouldn’t be feeling like complete and utter shit and left to wonder…what if.

Chapter 4

I’ll bet gynecologists never have roast beef sandwiches for lunch.




Four months ago

Routine. Just routine.

Yeah, right.

I knew this was going to be bad. I knew that I was about to do one of the stupidest things in the world.

Yet, that didn't stop me from entering the infirmary.

Every year we were required to see the doctor for an annual health evaluation. Mine was due two months ago, and I'd purposefully gotten out of it.

I'd tried to get out of this one, too. However, my superior looked at me, grinned that evil grin of hers, and told me in no uncertain terms if I didn't do it, I'd be relegated to desk duty for the foreseeable future.

She knew I hated desk duty.

Talking to people wasn’t my forte.

And now I was here.

Going into the one place that I knew I shouldn't be going.

The clinic in town was normally off limits.

The clinic near the base had an older than dirt male doctor that I was fairly sure was a pervert who kept working because he didn't get to see pussy that young anymore.

However, knowing that the old doc was off on the weekends, and Reed volunteered there for all the ladies that didn’t want to risk it with the pervert doc, led me to where I was today.

Where I knew he was.

Shit. Damn. Fuck.

I’d gone to Germany to get away from him. He’d been assigned to the same base within a month of my arrival.

It might’ve been a coincidence, but I knew it probably wasn’t.

He did it on purpose. Just to watch me squirm.

I swung open the glass door, waved at the secretary who I knew but whose name I couldn't remember, and signed in.

"He's running about thirty minutes behind," the secretary said as she took my information. "I'll tell the ladies that you're here, though. You can go on back. The nurse will put you in a room.”

Of course he was, because the motherfucker liked to talk.



I walked back, met the nurse, and she guided me into a room.

“Here’s the paper gown. You can go ahead and change here behind the screen.” The nurse smiled. “The part goes in the front.”

I refrained from flipping her off.

I knew which fucking part went in the front. I wasn’t a dumbass.

“Thanks,” I muttered.

I waited until she was completely out of the room before I changed, making sure the screen was completely covering every square inch of my body before I stripped my shirt off.

My pants went next, then my bra, and my underwear.

After slipping on the stupid gown—part in front—I folded the clothes precisely in on themselves, making sure that my underwear and bra were neatly tucked into my shirt before rolling my pants around the shirt.

I did not want him to see my underthings.

No sir-ree.

He was already going to see my breasts and vagina today. I didn’t want him to see that I wore the sexy underthings for some stupid reason.

Growling to myself, I picked up my phone and blasted off a text to my best friend.

She was probably asleep, but she’d answer when she woke up.

Somebody needed to be witness to this train wreck.

Might as well be Hennessy.

Hennessy and I had been best friends for a very long time.

A long, long, long time.

We knew everything about each other.

I knew that she started her cycle every month at the beginning of the week, and she knew that I hated having tags in my underwear because they irritated my skin.

I felt like she needed to know the hell I was about to put myself through.

When she didn’t immediately answer back, I started to scroll through Facebook, stopping on a picture that my other friend, Laryn, had uploaded.

I smiled at the giggling baby who had what looked like green peas smeared all over her face.

After Reed had broken up with me, I’d had a falling out with Laryn.

Hell, I’d had a falling out with nearly everybody.

Everybody was gone except Hennessy. She stayed by me despite everything.

Despite the fact that my brother had done the unthinkable. Despite the fact that my parents went out of their way to make the Hails’ lives a living hell afterward. Despite the fact that my parents actively hated me because of my support of Tobias, the man who killed my brother when he caught him raping his sister.

They’d never let me forget that I’d ‘betrayed the family’ but I couldn’t.

Not with everything that had happened before. And especially not with what happened after.

My phone pinged with an incoming message from Hennessy, making me smile.

It was a picture of a meme that said: I’ll bet gynecologists never have roast beef sandwiches for lunch.

I burst out laughing, my eyes stinging with the hilarity of it.

See, as much as I liked Laryn, she didn’t get me like Hennessy did.


