Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

Even though it feels like my heart is on the verge of exploding, the constriction loosens just a bit.

“I don’t want Austin to be expelled. Whether you believe me or not, Jasper is the one who started the fight. He knew exactly what buttons to press to push Austin over the edge. But you’re right,” I say hastily, “Austin shouldn’t have hit him. That was a mistake.”

Sweat springs to my palms as he continues to glare. Unease grows in the pit of my belly, and I shift beneath the relentless intensity. It takes everything I have inside not to cower before him and apologize.

“You’re playing a very dangerous game,” he says softly.

“That was never my intention.”

“Then you should drop this immediately, and we’ll both forget you ever waltzed in here and threatened me.”

If only that were possible.

“I can’t. The Hawthornes have been through enough already.”

“They don’t belong here,” he snaps, voice rising. “They would be better served by the public school system.”

I shouldn’t be surprised by his candor or attitude. He would be singing a different tune if their family carried any clout in the community.

When I remain silent, he asks snidely, “Are there any other demands you’d like to make while you’re here?”

I shake my head.

His beady gaze stays pinned to mine as he rips open the door. “Then it’s high time you leave.”

I jerk my head into a nod and force my feet into movement. It’s only as I cross over the threshold that I realize he never gave me an answer. I have no idea if he’ll expel Austin. What I do know is that I’ve done everything possible to help the situation.

More than I probably should have.

The moment I step over the threshold, tension leaks from my muscles, leaving me to feel shaky from the confrontation. I’ve never so much as received a detention, and now I’m blackmailing Pembroke?

Nausea explodes in the pit of my gut. If I don’t get to the bathroom, I’m going to—

With my head bent, I hasten my pace and slam into a hard body. Strong hands lock around my upper arms to hold me in place when I stumble back a step. As I lift my chin and meet the gaze of my captor, I realize that I’ve crashed into the very person I’ve come to rescue.

The hatred that blazes from his narrowed eyes is enough to freeze the blood running through my veins. The anger that had radiated from him on Saturday night doesn’t hold a candle to this.

“Mr. Hawthorne,” our headmaster snaps, “remove your hands from Ms. Robinson at once. You’re in quite enough trouble as it is.”

Instead of following the demand, his fingers tighten, digging into my flesh beneath the thick wool blazer as he drags me closer. My feet shuffle forward as pain shoots through me. Unable to look away, I wince as his warm breath drifts across my parted lips.

“I hope you and Jasper had a good laugh at my expense. When I’m done with you, you’ll wish you’d never heard my name.”

Dread floods through me and my mouth snaps open.

“Save it,” he growls, unwilling to hear me out.

“In my office immediately, Mr. Hawthorne!”

With that, he shoves me away. I stagger before catching myself. If I thought my heart was hammering from my meeting with Mr. Pembroke, it’s nothing compared to the way it now thrashes in my chest, struggling to break free. He gives me one final glare before stepping inside the small room. The moment he’s gone, I wilt against the counter, clasping the edges as if holding on for dear life.

Austin Hawthorne has never frightened me.

But in this moment, he does.


My feet drag as I head to the cafeteria for lunch. The morning started out brutal and has only gone downhill from there. People I’ve known for years now stare at me like I’m chewed-up bubblegum stuck to the bottom of their expensive shoes.

Every step through the richly paneled halls was followed by a loud ripple of whispers and laughter in my wake. Classmates who I once thought were my friends have quickly turned on me. It's exactly what I suspected would happen if Jasper and I broke up. But even I couldn’t have foreseen the lengths he’d go to humiliate Austin and destroy me.

The guy isn’t just a conceited asshole, he’s diabolical.

As much as the situation sucks, it’s a relief to no longer be with him.

It’s the only silver lining I’m able to find.

My spine stiffens as a few giggles erupt from behind me. As difficult as it is to deal with Jasper, the girls are almost worse. Most would turn on their bestie with the least bit of provocation. And I was nowhere near that status.

“Hey, Delilah. Wait up.” Sloane’s voice rises above the din.

I squeeze my eyes tightly closed for a second before hastening my step. Not that I’m in any great rush to reach the caf, but I’d prefer not to get stuck in a conversation with her. She’s the female version of Jasper, and that makes her dangerous.


