Big Bad Boss Daddy – The Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 25895 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 104(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

I respond with silence, and my friend titters again.

“You know what tall means, Haley. He’s got to be big down there. So, this man is rich, handsome, well-hung, and an asshole, which means it’s the perfect recipe for a one-night stand! You know it. Do it for me,” she begs. “Hook up with him tonight. Why not? You said yourself you’re leaving in the morning and it’s not like you have to talk to him while you’re doing the ba-da-bump.”

I roll my eyes again in mock frustration.

“You know what? I’m hanging up now,” I said, pretending to vomit while she laughs. But after my friend’s face disappears, I sit there for a moment in silence. Why did Jess have to say that? Now, all I can think about was how great the sex would be with a guy like Bo North. Is he actually big? I bet he is, and he’d be so commanding, throwing me around on the bed before giving it to me good. But then I sit up. I can’t let myself have these thoughts because this guy is a straight-up dick. Mmm, dick.

I start drifting away on my fantasy when suddenly, there’s a sharp rap on the door. Oh shit, it must be Bo. It’d be so embarrassing if he overheard my conversation with Jess, but then his voice booms through the wood and it doesn’t sound like he heard anything.

“I’ve prepared dinner for both of us. Come and eat. You must be hungry.” There he goes again, not asking but demanding. Yet there’s a rasp to his voice that makes tingles go down my spine. I feel a bit flushed, and my cheeks are hot.

“Um okay,” I squeak. “I’ll be right out!” No response. Has he already left? I’d expected to hear the floorboards creak with his footsteps, but then again, I didn’t hear him approach either.

I swiftly get dressed, pulling on jeans and a sweater. But the woman inside urges me to do a little more, so I swipe some lipstick on my pout, and brush my hair a bit so that the curls hang nicely. Ugh, I feel so conflicted doing this for a guy with such a surly personality, but it never hurts to present well.

“You are so strange,” I admonish my reflection while staring in the mirror. “What has come over you? Well, Haley, this is it. Time to impress your new boss, even if you’re quitting tomorrow.”

With that, I take a deep breath and step outside. The main room of the cabin is still a mess, but there’s a now a cleared-off space on the dining table, and the wood shines. There are two plates laid out, as well as napkins and utensils. I felt a bit touched that Bo would go to the trouble of cooking for me, and nod as I sit.

“Thanks for the food, Mr. Nielsen,” I say politely.

“Bo,” he corrects.

“Oh, yes. Sorry.” Why was I so nervous? What exactly was it about this guy that made me so weak and needy? I watched as he moved about the kitchen, his huge form taking almost all the space in the area. Then he comes to the table with two bowls of hot, hearty stew. The aroma of beef hit my nostrils, and my stomach growls.

“Thank you,” I say as he places a bowl in front of me.

“Salt?” he asks before sitting himself.

“Oh no, I’m good.” We both dig in, and I savor the spices and the meaty texture of the beef cubes. Wow, this man is an excellent cook. But the silence drags, and I steal a look at his face.

“Well, Mr. Nielsen, I’ve read a few of your books and all I can say is that I’m a fan. Truly,” I begin, trying to start a conversation. “You inspired my own writing in so many ways. My favorite book of yours is The Rhythm, and I loved how the twist at the end seemed to come out of nowhere. But only in retrospect does the reader realize it’d been building in subtle ways through various story arcs.”

He simply nodded, not even looking at me. I was starting to get annoyed again but managed to control myself. He was a great writer after all, and all artists have their quirks. I decided to try one more time to get some small talk going, just so we didn’t have to sit in silence.

“How’s your current book going?” I asked casually. That got an instant response. Bo’s eyes shot up, those blue eyes glacial.

“It’s fine,” he said in a low growl. “But sweetheart, it’s time to be quiet now. Can you shut your trap? Just for two minutes, so that I can finish my dinner in peace.”

What did he just say? How insulting! Who the hell does this guy think he is? I’ve had enough of this loser’s crap, bestselling writer be damned. I was close to losing it and was going to rail on him, but then common sense got the best of me and I managed to restrain myself. After all, I’m leaving tomorrow morning, and then this hateful man will be in the rearview mirror. With that, I didn’t say a word and we finished the meal in utter silence.


