All in a Days Orc – Captive Monster Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Forbidden, Paranormal, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23383 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 117(@200wpm)___ 94(@250wpm)___ 78(@300wpm)

I crouch beside the chair and start to untie Ivy’s wrists. “I’m sorry,” I say. “I should have… I’m here now. Nobody will ever hurt you again, I promise—”

As soon as her wrists are free, Ivy gets to her feet, turning and backing away from me. Her eyes are wide as she stares at my face, darting to the pit where Vlog’s remains lie still, and then to the exit.

“Drozna. You’re safe now.”

“Stay away from me,” she warns, still backing away. “You stay away. All of you just stay away. Don’t fucking touch me. Never again.”

I shake my head, not comprehending her words. I just saved her life. “It’s me. Oran.”

“Don’t you think I know that? I’m not going back down there for some other orc to use me as a punching bag. I’m not.” She’s on the other side of the room, near the exit. “Don’t you fucking follow me either. I don’t want you in my life.”

The words echo in my brain. She doesn’t want me. My mate doesn’t want me.

Should I be surprised?

As I watch her turn and run through the doorway, my heart twists and I let out a low roar. Of course my mate doesn’t want me. I’m a monster. A twisted thing. A failed experiment. The enemy. I can’t even blame the Moban for this. This is all on me.

The soft laughter draws my attention. Naarsh is grinning up at me through swollen lips, his eyes barely focused. “Fucking done it now…Oran. Cardan will kill her when he finds her.”

He laughs again, and my gut clenches. No fucking way. So she doesn’t want me. That’s fine. But she’s still my mate, and it’s my duty to protect her.

I grab the chair and heft it into my arms, then tear off one of the legs. Naarsh’s laughter dies on his lips as I spear it through his back, skewering him like a fucking offering to the gods.

Then I turn and go after my mate.




I press against the rock wall, the leather and metal-adorned orc outfit not the best for balling it through the thicket. It helped get me through the worst of the brush without too much damage but still, my skin prickles and stings from pokes and scratches.

I fight off the sob tightening my chest.

I had to run. He was part of it from the start and running, well, that’s always been my go to when I feel cornered or angry.

Did I lure him with lust?

I press the back of my head into the wall, banging it softly.

But, yes, I liked it. Still, I can’t stay with the enemy no matter what I saw in Oran’s eyes. The loops and waves of the orgasm he gave me are still fresh, the slickness between my legs diminished by my dash through the woods but still a reminder of the bliss those two orc tongues gave me.

And, that cock.

I mean, who wouldn’t run from that? It was as long as my arm and as thick as my thigh. I can’t imagine what it would do trying to gain entry to my pretty pink first timer. I rub the knot on my head from earlier, then trace my finger over my swollen eye and lip. My cheek hurts where they hit me and my body aches from fighting. And coming. I mean, I gotta be honest, those orc tongue orgasms give a girl a workout.

Then I hear the snapping of branches and the stomping feet.

I already know it’s Oran although. There’s a moment of pause that it might be my brother, the asshole, but no. My sixth sense tells me it’s my mate.

Love and hate roil inside me. How did everything get so fucked up and confusing?

Yesterday, was it yesterday? I don’t even know how many days have passed, but things were simpler. Sure, we were fighting against some bad luck, but this kidnapping and getting the shit beat out of me, that’s all new.

“Drozna!” I hear his voice bellow through the trees.

I drop my head on a sigh. The pull toward my mate is impossible to deny. I can run and run and run, but down in my soul, I know he will always find me and that’s what I want.

He’s at the opening of the cave within a few seconds. His chest heaves, nostrils flaring, eyes bright red and that cock, Jesus, how does he walk around with that crazy thing?

It’s sticking out of the top of his britches, bright green like a fat, leaking glow stick.

“You ran. Again.” He steps forward, falling to his knees, shaking the ground.

“I know. It’s just what I do when I’m…” I close my eyes, shaking my head. “Scared.”

“You will never be scared again, Drozna. Not with me protecting you. I will never leave you alone again.”

“Well, Daddy, let’s be honest, that’s not practical.”


