Wealthy and Wanted Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 27632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 138(@200wpm)___ 111(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

She runs straight at me and flings herself in my arms. “You haven’t called me in days!” she squeals as I close my eyes and try not to cry.

Has it been days? God, I’ve lost track of time out here. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’ve got something I’ve gotta tell you.” She wrings her hands together. “I guess Judge called because he wants to get married this weekend.”

My heart falls to the floor, and I drop my head.

“Can we get out of here?” I need to leave this house for a second and get some space. My sister cringes as she points to the car.

“I think I broke it.”

“It looks fine.”

“It's one of those stick things.”

I shake my head. “Where did you get the car?” She looks anywhere but at me. “Kat.”

“I stole it from Judge.”

My mouth falls open as she shrugs sheepishly.

“What? He has tons of cars over there. He’ll probably never know it’s gone.”


Kat jerks around faster than me.

I hear Clay’s footsteps in the distance, and I take a steadying breath.

“Why is he calling you ‘babe’?” she asks under her breath. “That’s Clay? You’ve been living with him?” she hisses, and I nod again. “Oh no, Dotty, did you do the nasty with him?”

“Kat!” I shout, because her voice got louder and louder with each question and Clay is standing on the porch fighting a laugh.

“Why don’t you girls come inside?” I don’t move, and Kat must feel my unease. Her eyes narrow on me for a moment as she searches my face.

She stomps towards Clay on a mission, and he puts his hand up in surrender. I try to grab her, but she’s always been quick.

“What did you do to her?” she shouts at him, and it makes me realize why Clay’s shouting never bothered me.

“I’m not sure she wants me to share that with you.”

“You hurt her.” She shoves her finger right into Clay’s chest, and I grab it and pull it down.

“I would never hurt her.” Clay looks down at me then takes my hand and pulls me into him. “Baby?” His eyes are full of worry. “Is something wrong? Tell me and I’ll fix it.” He sounds so sincere, but the perfume and the shower have me second-guessing. He wasn’t back when he said he would be, and doubt is playing with my mind.

“Oh no,” Kat says, and I turn to see Judge’s black truck coming down the long driveway with dust kicking up behind it. “Everyone inside.” Kat pushes at Clay, but he doesn't move. “Control your man,” she orders me.

I push Clay this time, and he goes. When we’re all in the house, Kat slams the door and shoots the bolt.

“Is someone going to tell me who the hell that is?” Neither of us says anything. “Guess I’ll go ask.”

“No!” we both say at the same time.

“Then somebody needs to fill me in here.” He crosses his arms, waiting.

“It’s Judge,” I say, knowing he’s going to find out anyway.

“Judge Russo?” he confirms.

“You know him?” That surprises me.

“We’ve met a few times over the years. I always thought he was a decent man.” That makes sense actually. They both own some of the biggest farms in our state.

“Well, that decent man, as you call him, is here to collect his bride,” Kat fills him in.

“Who?” he asks and stands up straighter.

“Me.” I whisper the word, but it might as well be a shout.

I thought I saw Clay angry before, but I was dead wrong.

Chapter Twelve


My spine snaps straight as I take a step toward the door.

“No wait, Clay, please,” Dotty pleads as I put my hand on the lock.

“Do you want to go with him?” I ask her point blank because I’m not one to play games. She looks up at me with pleading eyes and opens her mouth to speak but closes it and nibbles on her bottom lip. “The fact that you can’t say yes right away gives me my answer.” Not that I’d be able to let her, truth be told.

“It’s complicated,” she offers but doesn't go any further.

“That’s not enough to keep me from going out there and setting him straight.” I wait another moment, and she makes a whining sound in the back of her throat as she looks out the window anxiously.

Today went to hell the second I got that phone call this morning. I called the vet’s office and they sent out one of their doctors quickly, but little did I know their office girl Trixie came along for the ride with a bag of her bullshit.

When she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, I leaned into her, thinking Dotty had come out in the field to find me. But as soon as I got a whiff of that sickly perfume she wears, I practically tossed her off of me while I stumbled back. As soon as I got home, I had to shower and get the stink out of my nose.


