Vegas, Baby – Volume 1 Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 67644 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 338(@200wpm)___ 271(@250wpm)___ 225(@300wpm)

“You two were incredible,” I said as I started moving again. “I owe you.” I threw the last part over my shoulder and jogged to the stage door that emptied out into the VIP area. But I needed to stay out of sight while I looked for her or I would be mobbed. I opened the door as much as I dared and tried to study each face in the crowd, but I wasn’t able to spot her.

I was about to say fuck it and walk out into the slowly dwindling crowd when I heard Bex’s voice. “Hey, Griffith.” I felt a tug on my arm. I shook it off, intent on continuing my search. He repeated my name, and I turned my head to glare and snap at him, but he stood there with a raised eyebrow and his arms folded across his chest. “Meet and greet, man.”

“Son of bitch,” I cursed. I’d forgotten about the fan get-together. “Shit, shit, shit.” Bex’s brow rose to his hairline. I loved the fans and was usually the first to head out to meet them. This little party had even been my idea since it was our last night.

That was before I saw her.

I really wanted to say fuck it and ditch out to find the black-haired beauty who would haunt my dreams. But I couldn’t do that to my loyal fans. “What’s going on?” Bex asked.

I sighed and shook my head. Then, with one last longing look at the crush of people, I shut the door and reluctantly followed Bex to the lounge where everyone was waiting. When it was over, I was going to go through every ticket and every minute of security footage until I found out who she was. I’d even convince Drew, the hotel owner, to lend me his head of security to help. Drew would understand my instant obsession considering he’d felt that way about his wife when they met.

We neared the room and despite the sound of talking and laughter coming through the doors, I had a hard time drumming up any enthusiasm. Bex threw me another questioning glance, and I just shrugged. I plastered a fake smile on my face and sauntered into the room.

Cheers erupted, and my grin became a little more genuine. “That was an epic last show, Griffith!” Autumn, Drew’s wife, gushed as she threw her arms around me for a hug. Before I could reciprocate, I was left embracing air, and Autumn was tucked tightly under her husband’s arm while he glared daggers at me. I couldn’t help smiling cockily but took a respectful step back.

Drew rolled his eyes, and a crooked smile tipped up one side of his lips. He reached out to shake my hand. “She’s right. Excellent show, Griff.”

Autumn suddenly waved at someone behind my back. I turned to see who she was beckoning forward, but I got distracted when she spoke. “Aurora, Belle, Ariel! Come meet Griffith Thorne.”

My eyebrows hit my hairline at the names she called out. Seriously? I almost laughed but didn’t want to be rude. I didn’t pay them much attention as they walked up because they were with Knox Dawson, the head of security for The Lennox. Maybe I could pull him aside after I said hi the girls.

Knox and I shook hands, then he gestured to the trio beside him. “Griffith Thorne, these are my sisters.” His face, which was usually unreadable, was full of warning. I wasn’t sure if he was telling me to be nice to them or stay the fuck away.

I slid my most charming fan smile on my face and turned fully to greet the girls. My eyes scanned their faces until I got to the last one. It looked like I wouldn’t have to talk to Knox later, after all. My heart rate skyrocketed, and the entire world faded away. The only thing I could see was my future standing right in front of me.

Chapter 2


It shouldn’t have been possible, but Griffith Thorne was even more panty-melting in person than he was on stage. My fingers itched to touch the scruff of his short beard and trace the diamonds sparkling on both ends of his black barbell eyebrow piercing. Ripped, black jeans, a black T-shirt with thin white stripes, and a black leather jacket did amazing things for his tall, sinewy body. His entire look screamed bad boy, and it only caught my interest even more.

The front of his blond fauxhawk flopped over his forehead, but it didn’t block my view of his purpley-blue eyes—which were locked on my face. Unfortunately, my brother noticed where his attention was and ruined the moment by stepping in between us. “You heard me say ‘sisters,’ right?”

Knox’s warning didn’t stop Griffith from offering his hand to each of us. He kept his distance and flashed a grin at Aurora and Ariel before quickly dropping their hands, but he stepped around Knox to get closer to me when it was my turn. “That must mean you’re Belle?”


