Up All Night (Mount Hope #1) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Mount Hope Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 74730 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

“Is this okay?” Sean twisted his mouth this way and that, giving his jaw muscles quite the workout. I wasn’t sure how to answer. Was it okay? My body was sure as shit happy enough to see him, but it also felt like something had shifted between us. I stayed silent as I shut the door behind Sean. He was in jeans and a fire department polo. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you more at the diner.”

“Eh.” I shrugged and adjusted the waistband of my low-riding workout shorts. I hadn’t bothered putting anything else on after my shower. “We both know what this thing is.”

“Do we?” Following me toward the kitchen area, Sean sounded as confused as I felt, which was no help. This was sex. A fling, as Sean himself kept calling it. But the time I’d spent helping him with the carriage house wasn’t sex. Nor was all the time Sean spent at the diner or the way we tended to linger after sex. I’d had purely sexual arrangements before, and this wasn’t it. Friends with benefits?

I wasn’t sure I liked that either. Leaning against my narrow stretch of kitchen counter, I pursed my lips. “Whatever it is, I’m hardly expecting to meet the folks.”

Sean exhaled hard as his eyes narrowed. He was thinking way too hard. “I know you don’t want any sort of family thing. But I still feel bad. I wish⁠—”

I pushed away from the counter, closing the distance between us to silence Sean with a kiss. I didn’t want to hear his wishes. I’d heard a million pretty speeches before.

I wish you could meet my mom. You’d love her.

I wish we could be together for real.

I wish we could take a vacation together.

I wish I could take you out on a real date.

I wish, I wish, I wish.

Wishes counted for less than nothing. Empty air. But this, what happened when our mouths met, was real. The chemistry between us was a living creature, large and more than a little scary but undeniably alive and potent. I kissed Sean to shut up the voices in my head, but as always, the beast had a mind of its own. The kiss went from hard and rough to deep and intoxicating passes of lips and tongues.

Sean clung to me, hands digging hard into my shoulders. He always grabbed me like I might be about to make a run for it.

And I probably should.

But I was powerless to do anything other than steer Sean to one of the nearby dining chairs. Still kissing him, I shoved his jeans and briefs down to his knees and pushed him to sit in the chair. He opened his mouth like he might be about to talk again.

Couldn’t have that. This time I silenced him by sinking to my knees in front of him and swallowing his cock in a single motion. Pretty nifty, if I did say so myself, and his gasp went straight to my own aching erection.

“Wow. Um. Quite the welcome.” Sean gave a wobbly laugh, his hand coming to my shoulder. He flexed his fingers like he was deciding between pushing me away or pulling me closer. I made it an easy choice, sliding back up his shaft, sucking hard the whole upstroke, then slowly sinking back down, millimeter by millimeter, with all the tongue action I could muster.

I might not be great at talking things out, but sucking cock hadn’t failed me yet. Each of Sean’s moans was more gratifying than the last. I loved reducing him to needy sounds and clutching hands. Closer. He was definitely dragging me closer. My pulse pounded like a drum circle at Burning Man.

“I’m not going to last.” Speaking of burning, my firefighter had a short fuse, as always, and I gave his thigh a fond pat as I pulled back enough to speak.

“Surprise, surprise.”

“I’m serious.” Chuckling self-consciously, Sean shoved at my shoulder. I gave his cockhead a leisurely lick, loving how his shove turned to a caress. I sucked him into my mouth again, and he gave a pained groan. “We could fuck.”

“We could.” I tried to sound indifferent. He’d only mentioned fucking a time or twenty. We had a steady oral and frot diet going, but Sean was plenty eager for more ass play. I’d made him come from fingering several times, but I’d been ridiculously reluctant to fuck. Stupid, really, but I figured if I held off on the top thing on Sean’s sex bucket list, he’d keep me around longer. He wasn’t the only one with wishes. “Or I could keep going, see if going for a second round is a possibility…”

“With you? Anything is possible.” Sean offered a dopey, sex-drunk smile. I could only wish that were the case. Not liking that line of thinking, I redoubled my efforts on Sean’s cock, sucking in a hard, fast rhythm and using my tongue all along the underside of the shaft.


