Under His Control – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 82746 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 414(@200wpm)___ 331(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Yes, Sir,” Ellen replied, nearly stumbling in her haste to obey. Master Mason had always made her nervous, and not only when he got out his BDSM knives. But then she saw that he was smiling, something she’d very rarely witnessed before Hannah had come into his life.

Hannah walked over and gently took the mug Ellen had grabbed from the cabinet from her. “Are you all right, honey? Did you get any sleep last night? I’ve never seen you so twitchy before.”

“Is it that obvious?” Ellen asked with chagrin.

“It’s going to work out just the way it’s supposed to.” Hannah placed a comforting hand on Ellen’s bare shoulder. “Anthony and Lawrence are already ensconced in Anthony’s office going over everything. Whoever they place you with, it’s going to be the proper pairing. You’ll see.”

Ellen bit her lip, unable to draw on her usual well of submissive calm. “I know you’re right,” she replied, startled at the quaver in her voice as she spoke.

But what if Hannah wasn’t right? What if she’d made a terrible mistake signing up for this auction, giving herself over to a man she barely knew for an entire week? What had she been thinking?

“Hey,” Hannah said gently. “I’ve always found when I’m especially nervous that a long, hot soak in the tub can work wonders. You’ve got time before things get started. Why don’t you go down and have a nice bath?”

“Yes,” Ellen agreed, glad for something—anything—that might distract her. “That’s a good idea. I’ll do that.”

The bath did help. She soaked for a long time in a huge sunken tub in the slave quarter’s bathroom. The lavender oil she’d added created a lovely, calming aroma as it soothed her skin. The four new slave trainees—three women and one man—who had just started the program a few days before came into the communal bathroom as she was drying off.

Ellen, who had completed her training several months before, felt a rush of nostalgia as they chattered excitedly about what the day might hold for them. The Enclave training program had been all-consuming, almost every moment of every day regimented, each task and situation more challenging than the last.

Serving and pleasing a single Master was a different experience, and one she missed. What would Master Zach or Master Aaron offer her, expect of her, command of her?

“There you are,” Lucia said, sweeping into the bathroom, Juliette and Amira in tow, both looking as if they’d just been roused from their beds. “We have thirty minutes before breakfast. The auction results will be announced right afterward.” She turned to the other girls. “You two shower while I groom Ellen. Whoever’s out first goes next. Katie will be along shortly to help with hair and makeup.”

Time, which had been dragging all morning, suddenly picked up its pace. Body smooth, hair blown out, makeup applied, Ellen rushed upstairs. She managed to eat a biscuit with butter and honey, despite her continuing nerves. The other girls joined her soon after.

“Five minutes, girls,” Lucia announced, poking her head into the kitchen. The three auction subs hurried back downstairs to brush their teeth and check their hair and makeup one last time.

They whispered excitedly as they rushed back up the stairs. They all went silent as they entered the living room. All six participating Doms were there, some sitting in pairs, others alone. As the girls made their way to the fireplace, conversation ceased. Ellen could feel the eyes on her.

The February morning was chilly, and fires had been lit in both grates. As Ellen took her spot on the middle yoga mat, the flames dancing behind the screen gently warmed her back.

She dared to glance around the room, seeking out her first two choices. Master Aaron met her gaze and gave her a small smile and a nod, as if to say, “Yes. I see you. I want you.” Face heating, Ellen offered a small, shy smile in return.

When her gaze turned to Master Zach, he mouthed the words, “You’re mine.”

Ellen’s heart skipped a beat at the silent assertion. Did he already know something? Was this the man who would claim her submission for the next seven days? Was he the man she might fall in love with?

“Slaves,” Master Lawrence barked, startling Ellen from her revery. “Assume the wait position.”

Ellen’s heart leaped into her throat as she brought her arms behind her back and straightened her spine. In a few short minutes, she would know her fate. She could feel the tension in her fellow subs, and also the barely suppressed excitement.

Master Lawrence turned his attention to the waiting men. “Good morning, gentlemen,” he said in a voice designed to carry. “After a careful review of all the components that go into choosing potential matches for these three submissives, we have made our selections. I remind you that you all agreed, subs and Doms alike, to accept our pairings as final.”


