Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

With that, I jumped up from Julian’s lap and stormed off to our room, slamming the bedroom door shut behind me with a bang.

* * *

✶ ✶ ✶

* * *

I angrily brushed the paintbrush over the canvas. It wasn’t anything in particular that I was painting. It was just angry, dark swipes of different shades of dark colors.

Julian had allowed Vincent to stay the night.

I was pissed. I didn’t want Vincent here in my home, in my personal space, invading my comfort and my sanctuary. But I’d kept my mouth shut because it was better than him potentially killing somebody while driving drunk.

A light knock sounded on the door. I knew it wasn’t Axel or Julian. They knew better than to bother me when I was painting. They always slipped in, gave me food and water, gave me a quick kiss, and left again.

It had to be Vincent.

“What?” I barked as I slung the door open.

I shrieked in pain when Vincent dropped the coffees he was holding, sending the scalding hot liquid all over my legs and feet. I jumped back and stumbled, landing hard on my ass on the floor. Axel and Julian both rushed out of the gym down the hall.

Tears of pain were sliding down my cheeks. My legs and feet were already turning a bright red from the burning.

“Mother fuck!” Julian shouted as he rushed over to me. Axel was on my other side in an instant. “Fuck, baby girl, we need to get you to the hospital.”

“It burns,” I cried, sucking in ragged breaths of air.

“Shh, sweet girl.” Axel pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll get the car pulled around.” He jumped up from the floor as Julian gently lifted me into his arms, whispering soothing words to me. Axel shoved Vincent. “You incompetent fuck,” Axel snarled. “Clean this shit up.”

“Meghan, I’m so sorry,” Vincent apologized.

Julian only grunted and shook his head as I continued to cry, the burning making it hard to think. “Just clean it up,” Julian told him, his voice a lot calmer than Axel’s had been. He looked down at me. “Shh, baby girl. It’s going to be okay.”

“It burns so bad.”

“I know. We’re going to get you some help.” He pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

“Urgent care might be faster,” Axel told him as he held open the passenger door so Julian could set me in the seat.

“Yeah. We’ll go with that. See if they can help her before we waste hours in a fucking emergency room.” Julian replied. He gently set me in the seat and quickly pulled the seatbelt over me before he closed my door.

Axel slid into the backseat at the same time Julian slid into the driver’s seat. Axel reached forward to hold my hand. “On a scale of one to ten, sweet girl, how bad does it burn?”

“An eight?” I choked out. “I don’t know. It hurts really, really bad.”

Julian’s eyes flickered to my legs. He clenched his jaw as his hands tightened around the steering wheel. “Baby girl, don’t panic, but your legs and feet are beginning to blister.”

“Oh, no.” I sucked in a deep breath and looked down at my legs. “Oh, God!” I cried in horror.

“Easy.” Axel squeezed my hand gently. “Julian, how much further?”

“Only about a minute.” He quickly switched lanes, speeding around the person that had pulled out in front of us. He quickly switched back over. “We’re almost there, baby girl. They’ll be able to help you.”

Once we got to the urgent care, Axel jumped out of the backseat and quickly opened my door. “I’ll go find a park,” Julian told him. “Get her inside.”

Axel easily lifted me from the car and carried me into the urgent care. The receptionist’s eyes widened when she saw my legs and feet. “Sir, she’s going to need an emergency room. Burns like that need special care.”

“Fuck,” Axel swore just as Julian burst through the doors. More tears ran down my cheeks. I just wanted the pain and burning to go away. “Let’s go. They said she needs a hospital.”

“Fucking hell.” Julian rushed back out of the door. Axel followed behind him. As Axel was setting me back in the passenger seat, Julian leaned over and grabbed my face in his hands to press a short, hard kiss to my lips. “I really, really need you to be my strong goddess, baby girl. Nearest hospital is fifteen minutes away.”

I bit my lip and nodded. Julian kissed me again. “I’m sorry, baby girl. Just be strong, okay?”

I nodded. Axel jumped into the backseat, and Julian quickly pulled out of the parking lot.

* * *

✶ ✶ ✶

* * *

Julian carried me into the house later that night. I had third degree burns where the coffee had splashed over my legs and feet. It wasn’t bad enough to do skin grafts, but my legs and feet would forever be scarred once the burns healed.


