The Three Kings (Forsaken #3) Read Online Penelope Sky

Categories Genre: Dark, Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Forsaken Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 116396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“On the next turret,” he said. “But the roof is unstable. Why?”

“We’ve got to hit them when they don’t expect it.” I took off at a run, moving to the rear of the partially demolished castle until I found a path to climb. Stone jutted down from the wall, giving me just enough room to grip and climb. I was so heavy from all the armor, but the adrenaline was far stronger, and I made it to the top.

A few cannons were there, but more had been in place before the roof had collapsed. The foundation was shaky, and standing on it was probably suicide, but I found the pile of cannonballs and grabbed one.

That was when I spotted a chain on the roof, a chain that appeared to have been used to haul the cannon into place. I secured it around the cannonball then shoved it down the chute. I had to light the fuse before I could fire, and since the dragons were moving targets, there would never be an ideal way to time this.

I just had to go for it.

I lit the fuse then focused on the shot, always aiming for one of the dragons as he flew around, up and down, and then toward the cannon again. The cannon ignited and jerked back as it fired.

I was knocked on my ass.


I pushed myself up to my feet and watched the dragon drop from the sky. The ball had struck his wing, and then the chain had wrapped around his body and locked his wings against his sides. He fell hard to the earth, knocking over several buildings along the way. “Alright…one down.”



I could see the smoke once we reached the top of the cliffs. We flew right over Delacroix, the city quiet as usual. But up ahead, the battle that would determine the fate of the continent was happening.

“You see that, Huntley?”

I looked at my wife. “Yes.”

“Why are they doing this?”

“Because Rutherford told them my intention—to conquer the Kingdoms and Necrosis. They either think I’m distracted by Necrosis so my guard is down, or they think Necrosis has been defeated and it’s their opportunity to conquer the entire continent for themselves.”

“When will it end?”

“Soon,” I said. “Very soon.”

How many dragons do they have?

“Ryker didn’t say.”

Pyre and I will do our best.

“I know you can handle this, Storm.”

“Do we have a plan?” Ivory asked.

“It’s impossible to make one without knowing the conditions. But I assume the Capital is losing. They’re unprepared for an attack. Their castle has already fallen. Their infrastructure if decimated.”

Ivory nodded in agreement.

“You and Pyre will take on the dragons. I’ll go after King Dunbar. The sooner he dies, the sooner this is over.”

“Any idea what he looks like?”

“No. But I know a king when I see one.”

The smoke turned thick, making it hard for us to breathe in the cloud bank. The details of what was happening below were still difficult to discern, but the sounds of cannons firing were still audible, so the war wasn’t over.

We only had one chance to use surprise to our advantage, so we dropped below the clouds and took a look at the battle. A gold dragon was flying near the turrets, blowing fire across the cannons and the men trying to load them. In the harbor, a third of the fleet was on fire, but a number of ships had already docked and there were invaders in the city.

A line of cannons fired from the ships, and Storm and Pyre quickly ducked out of the way to avoid the hits.

I looked at Ivory. “Stop the dragon. I’ll take care of the ships.”


I looked at her, perhaps for the final time. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I faced forward again and gripped the pommel. “Ready for this, Storm?”

I’m always ready to burn. Always. Storm flapped his wings hard and took off at neck-breaking speed, flying through the air quicker than the balls from the cannons. We flew to the coastline where the docked ships were allowing the soldiers onto land.

Storm swooped around and released a long line of fire, burning the soldiers that tried to invade the Capital on foot.

A line of cheers sounded from below.

You’re welcome.

Storm moved to the next ship and released his fire, setting the masts on fire immediately. Once they fell, the ship would capsize and sink. He weaved through the different ships and set them ablaze, demolishing all their vessels without effort. Some fired their cannons, and I kept a close eye out so Storm would avoid getting hit.

Where’s the king?

“I don’t see him.”

Only a coward lets others do his bidding.

“I agree.”

Storm suddenly reared his head and spun his body back toward land.

“What is it?”

Pyre. He needs help. Storm took off at a sprint, flapping back in the direction from which he came.


