The Music of Love Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 25780 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

But Sarah’s upstairs. How embarrassing would it be to go back up there after the way I just stormed out of there?

No. I have to go. If not for any other reason than to see what his great idea for wooing me was.

“Well, you coming?” the driver asks, smirking. I smile back and slide into the back seat of what basically amounts to a tiny hotel room on wheels. It’s just crazy, and far and away from the beat-up sedan I drive to work every day.

There is more leg room than I know what to do with, leather and wood everywhere, buttons that I’m not sure I even want to press. I feel like royalty but at the same time, completely out of place.

The car takes me to the biggest venue at the center of the city. We’re stopped by police at a roadblock, but the driver just flashes a pass, and we’re redirected to a side entrance that takes us into the parking structure.

“VIP access is nice, eh?” the driver asks as he pulls the car right up to an elevator with a few suited men, obviously security, standing beside it.

“Yeah, nice…” We both get out of the car. I can hear, and feel, the thump of bass from above. “So which way do I go to the arena?”

“Arena?” the driver asks, giving me a funny look. “Sweetie, don’t you get it yet? You’re VIP. You have full backstage access, thanks to Cal.”

“I do?” Suddenly, I feel pretty stupid. How could I have missed that given the way I got here and the way I got into the building?

“Yeah.” He grins. “Now come on, let’s get you upstairs.”



I have to admit, when the elevator doors ding and open to a sea of people all running around in a tizzy, something about my attitude to tonight changes.

There are people everywhere, some of them hurrying around trying to get somewhere, others chatting in groups laughing, others talking like there’s something very important going on. The whole time, I can hear the sound of whatever opening act is performing tonight for Cal.

“This way,” the driver says, guiding me through the crowd, one hand on my back. He waves a hand in front of us and calls out, “Hey, outta the way, guys!”

The sea of people crowding the hallway parts for us so we can get through, and we make our way to a dressing room with a plaque with Cal’s name on it. The driver knocks three times, then twice, and I hear Cal’s voice call out from within.

“Yeah! Come in!”

He pushes the door open and gently nudges me in, then closes the door behind me. For the first time since running into him, I have to admit that I’m slightly overwhelmed.

Inside the dressing room are Cal, the man and woman who were with him at the restaurant, and another man and woman who I assume are his parents. That throws me off guard for a moment. World-famous rockstar still has his parents with him before a show?

“There she is!” Cal exclaims, much louder than I’d prefer as he throws his arms up in the air. “My wonderful date for tonight! Don’t you look nice?”

Don’t blush, don’t blush, do not blush!

Too late. I feel my cheeks heating even as Cal gets up from his chair and comes over to sweep me into his arms for an enormous hug. I want to push him away, but I take the opportunity to hide my rosy cheeks from everyone in the room and tuck my face into his chest.

“Don’t think I’m flirting with you, okay?” I whisper. “You’re just so embarrassing.”

“Oh, I would never think that,” he whispers back. He holds me there for long enough that the other people in the room start to get antsy.

“You gonna let us see her, Cal?” the older man calls out with a laugh. Finally, Cal breaks our embrace and turns to face the room. I do my best to let some of my hair fall in my face. I’m not blushing as hard as I was, but some of it’s still there. Maybe I can blame it on how hot the dressing room is.

“Oh, she’s pretty, Cal!” the woman who must be his mom says with a smile.

“Reese.” Cal grins. “These are Julia and William, my parents.” His parents both nod and smile politely. He turns and motions to the man and woman sitting on the other side of the room, who are not giving off great vibes. In fact, the woman is kind of glaring at me.

“And this is Kathleen and Josh,” he says. “They’re my managers.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

“You too,” the man replies, clearly forcing it. The woman just nods and looks the other way.

“Ignore them,” Cal chuckles. “They’re just jaded industry types. But I hope you are ready for the show tonight.”


