The Joy of Us – Love in Isolation Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73330 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 293(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“Hi,” I say, keeping my tone flat.

“Damn, it’s hot in here. Guess Jasper stopped by?” He strips off his gloves, jacket, and hat.

“Yep, around lunch. It’s a perfect seventy-five degrees,” I say, returning to my stool.

He adjusts the temperature, and I turn, huffing at him. “Hey! I’m making up for lost heat.”

“Woman, my balls are sweating. I know that’s too much information, but I can’t breathe in this heat. It feels like I’m suffocating. I’ll have to walk around naked, and you’ve already warned me against doing that.”

I hold back laughter. “Fine.”

Dasher gets up and Levi lets him out. I put in my earbuds and turn on some calming sounds.

My fingers fly over the keys. I do everything I can to smack down my inner editor and move forward. As I’m writing about the mayor, I feel Levi hovering.

I take my earbud out and slightly close my screen, then glare at him. “What are you doing?”

“You can’t publish that.”

My face transforms into the dirtiest look I can manage. “Excuse me?”

“It’s too bland. Are you writing a history piece or an article about a Christmas town?”

This pisses me off. “I didn’t realize you were an expert. Why should I listen to you?”

He laughs, which only annoys me further. “It’s lacking the feel of the town. No magic is pouring from the pages.”

“Well, maybe that’s because I haven’t felt anything remotely magical.”


“The people I’ve met have been kind and helpful. My integrity is on the line, and above anything, I’m honest. Maybe it doesn’t have magic, but this is my first draft, and I haven’t self-edited yet. Maybe my opinion will change after the festival, but right now, I don’t see how it’s any different from any other wintery ski town I’ve been to.”

“That’s it.”

My brows crease.

“Guess I’m gonna have to bring it up a notch then.”

“What does that even mean?”

“You’ll see. When do you leave again?”

“Sunday, the day after the festival.” I’ve already been here for ten days, and it’s crazy to think I only have four left.

He rubs his palms together, then pulls his phone from his pocket. “Guess I better get to work then.”


He flashes a shit-eating smirk that I don’t like. “You’ll see, Little Miss Seattle. You’ll see.”



DAY 11

“You’re sure about this?” Fallon asks as we pull up to the shop at the Christmas tree farm. Dasher sits between us and stares out the window. I put on his snow shoes and jacket this morning because we’ll be outside most of the day.

“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” I shoot her a wink and she playfully rolls her eyes. “You’re going to have fun helping my sister. Hopefully not too much fun, though. No gossiping.”

Fallon lifts a brow. “Oh, there will definitely be. Hope I don’t screw up the wrapping though or make a kid cry.”

I chuckle, looking at the parking lot that’s full. “You said you wanted the full experience and today you’re getting it.”

“Well I’m up for the challenge,” she states, and I wonder if she realizes she’s been my biggest challenge to figure out.

I tell Dasher to stay and leave the truck running for him so he can enjoy the heat.

Inside the shop is complete chaos. The line of people buying last-minute wooden carved gifts is out the door. Mom gives me a quick wave as Fallon follows me to the gift-wrapping station.

After we make it through the crowd, I find Lucy wearing a candy cane apron with scissors, tape, and ribbon stuffed in the front pockets.

“There’s the woman of the hour,” she says as soon as Fallon comes into sight.

“Please don’t give her a hard time,” I warn, and Lucy snorts.

“We’ll be besties by the end of the day.” Lucy grins, wrapping her arm around Fallon, and then leading her behind the long table.

Fallon turns and looks at me like a deer in the headlights.

“I’ll be back to pick you up after lunch, so try to survive until then.”

“We’ll take good care of her,” Lucy says, waving me away.

Fallon’s face cracks into a smile, and I know she’ll do just fine, even if Lucy forces her to wear an apron just like hers.

“Watch those two, please?” I tell my mom as I walk past the counter and out the door.

Dasher wags his tail when he sees me, and I pet his head when I get in.

“Ready for our adventure?”

He tries to lick me as I put the truck in drive. I head across the property toward one of the barns where the horses are kept for the sleigh rides. It’s been something the farm has done for over a century, and our patrons enjoy it.

As I walk into the barn with Dasher trotting beside me, I find Darrell brushing one of the horses. He’s worked here for over a decade and knows his way around the farm.


