Tempt The Playboy Read Online Natasha Madison (Tempt #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Tempt Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 82472 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 412(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

“Why the fuck are you going on a stake-out?” Austin asks while John answers, “Green.”

“So the girl I had dinner with, she took off on me,” I say as I see if I have a dark duffel bag.

“Your dick scared her away?” Austin laughs as he fills John in on the conversation we had yesterday.

“It wasn’t like that,” I cut in. “She loved the D, but I fell asleep. I don’t know what she did, but she fucking drained me.” I put my hands on my hips.

“Why don’t you just ask her out again, like a normal fucking human person?” John asks.

“I tried that, but she said she has plans tonight.” I walk to the closet, taking out the binoculars I have there.

“Oh, shit,” Austin cuts in. “You totally got Noah’d.”

Then they both laugh.

“Ha-ha-ha, so funny,” I say dryly. “Seriously, though, what should I wear?”

“You should wear a white straight jacket from Bellevue,” John says, laughing. “What happens if she finds you and calls the cops on you?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I’m going to win her with my charm,” I say. “So camo it is. Hurry up, I have to go Google map the place where she works.”

Austin finally picks up the phone. “Noah, seriously, you can’t do this, it’s crazy.”

“What would you do if you had the best sex of your life and she walked out on you? Would you let Lauren walk out of your life?”

“No,” he hisses out. “Send us the info. We will meet you there.”

“Squad,” I say, hanging up the phone. I rush to my office where I pick up the Google earth map. I see there is a little park in front of her studio. “This can work.” I print out the map and send a picture to both of them via text.

Austin answers right away. Be there at four. Don’t go before.

I look at the clock and see I have three hours to spare. I walk back into my room where I undress and shower. “Power nap,” I tell myself. As soon as I finish the shower I set the alarm, making sure I’m up when John and Austin get there.

I toss and turn the whole time, sleep never coming for me. When I hear the doorbell at four o’clock, I know it’s them. I run down the stairs, opening the door. They both stare at me with open mouths.

“Have you gone insane?” they ask me while they take in my appearance. I might have overdone it. I’m wearing black jeans, a black turtleneck, a black jacket, my black Doc Martens, and a black beanie.

“I need to blend in,” I tell them. “Go change.” I point upstairs to my room. “We leave in ten minutes. Let’s go.” I push them up the stairs.

They both go to my closet, coming out in jeans and green shirts.

“We need black under our eyes,” I say, walking to the bathroom, taking out my shoe shine kit. I get up, smearing it under my eyes. “How does this look?” I ask the boys.

“Like you lost your fucking mind,” John says. “Did she suck your brains out of your dick?”

“Don’t talk about her like that.” I point at John. “Now put some on, you look too polished.”

I look at Austin. “You look fine with all those fucking bags under your eyes. You are just fine.” I pick up the duffel bag, and clanging comes from it.

“What is in there?” John asks.

“It’s our go-to bag,” I say, walking out, going to the car.

They both get in the car, putting on their seat belts. “What exactly is a go-to bag?”

“A knife, an ax, a bottle opener, a crow bar, a hammer, flask oils, candles, matches, some string. Oh, and a bell.”

I look at them from the side, their eyes blinking, their mouths opening and closing. “Are we going to kidnap her?” John says from the back. “Dani’s going to fucking kill me.”

I look at him through the rearview mirror and think that his wife, Dani, will kill me first then him.

Austin tries to talk but nothing comes out. “A bell?”

“Well, yeah, in case we have to alert each other we can ring the bell.” My eyes roll. “Oh, look, parking right in the front.”

“So we are undercover, but you’ll park in front of her business?” John says, looking around once he gets out. The park behind us has kids running around, a couple of dogs barking. It’s a family friendly area.

“Grab the bag for me,” I tell him as I get out, crouching till I get behind the car and sit on the sidewalk. “Did anyone see me?”

“We need to contact fucking Bellevue,” they say to me while they stand there out in the open. “And I’m not touching that fucking bag. Did you bring gloves?” they ask.

I smack my head. “Forgot the gloves on the counter.” I grab them by the hands, yanking them down. “She might see you,” I say right before a woman walks by us with her dog, holding on to her purse trying not to stare at us.


