See Me Read Online Jayda Marx

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 36478 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 182(@200wpm)___ 146(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

I knew that he would be a success in his career. The news of his plans were spreading like wildfire, and the agency had already been contacted by people near and far who were asking about the accessible tours they’d heard about. They were excited to embark on journeys that they never thought they could experience. Sterling had big plans to make the world a better place, and I knew without a doubt that he would.

The group of hospitality graduates stood and lined up at one end of the stage. Sterling was the third student back, with Cooper proudly standing at his side. Charlotte, Jackson, and I all got our cameras ready to capture the moment.

When the president announced, “Sterling Dunn,” the three of us whistled and cheered as loudly as we could, and Sterling’s smile assured that he heard us. We snapped dozens of photos as he collected his diploma and received a handshake from the president.

When Sterling began his walk towards the opposite end of the stage, the president stopped him with her hand to his chest before stepping up to the microphone again. “There’s one more diploma to give out, here; because he attended all of the classes, we would like to bestow an honorary degree to Mr. Cooper Dunn.” She withdrew a medal from her pocket, which she placed around Cooper’s neck as she knelt down. The act touched my heart and I wiped a tear from my eye, watching as many other people in the audience did the same.

Then everyone cheered when Sterling told Cooper to “shake”, and he offered his paw to the president. Even people who had never met Sterling were snapping pictures of the lovable pair.

For the rest of the ceremony, I anxiously tapped my foot, waiting for the moment when I could finally congratulate my man. After what seemed like an eternity, all of the graduates stood up and tossed their caps into the air, and Sterling’s parents and I hustled down to the gym floor.

“Congratulations, honey!” Charlotte offered first, before pulling her son into a hug and kissing his cheek. “I’m so proud of you; and you,” she added, reaching down to pet Cooper’s head.

“So am I,” Jackson told them both, giving Sterling a hug of his own. “Way to go, son.”

“Thanks, guys.”

His parents stepped aside to allow me space. I kissed his lips and wrapped him in my arms. “You amaze me,” I told him for probably the millionth time since we’d been together. “I’m so proud and honored to be with you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”

I took a step back and lowered myself onto one knee. Charlotte gasped and told Sterling, “He’s getting down on one knee! Oh god, I think he’s proposing!” She squealed, and a chuckling Jackson pulled her away from us before nodding for me to continue.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a silver ring with a blue stone in its center. The moment I saw it, I knew it was the one for my man. “Sterling, I promise to respect you, honor you, and love you with everything I am, for as long as I live. Will you marry me?”

Sterling knelt on the ground as well, and reached out his hands. I thought he wanted to touch the ring, but instead, he grabbed my cheeks and brought our foreheads together. “Yes,” he answered simply, before taking my lips in a long, deep kiss. Applause broke out around as friends and strangers alike cheered for us.

When Sterling pulled back, he asked, “What took you so long?”

I snorted a laugh and answered, “I didn’t want to distract you; you were busy changing the world.”

“You already changed mine,” he whispered with a smile. “You gave me hope, purpose, and happiness like I never imagined. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” I took his hand and slipped the band onto his ring finger, smiling at the perfect fit. Jackson and Charlotte joined us on the floor a moment later, and we all fell into a group hug as they welcomed me into the family. Cooper even placed a wet kiss on my cheek, and my heart had never been so full.


“After you, Mr. Graduate,” I said as I opened the front door for Sterling. He chuckled and walked across the threshold before letting Cooper out of his harness. He left his medal around his neck, and the pup trotted proudly to his bed.

After the graduation ceremony, Jackson and Charlotte took us out to dinner to celebrate. We talked and laughed for hours, and had a great time together as usual. I was lucky that I would soon have in-laws I actually enjoyed being around. But as much fun as we had, I was happy to be home to spend time alone with Sterling.


