Rogue (Mike Bravo Ops #2) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Crime, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Mike Bravo Ops Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90685 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

It’s cute how naïve he is to think I didn’t expect this, and even cuter that he thinks I would let him walk out of an unlocked house without fail-safes in place.

When he comes back and turns the light on, I finally let him see that I’ve been awake the whole time.

I sit up. “I know you’re about to yell at me, but can I say that you look really hot when you’re scowling.”

“What did you do?” he growls.

“What did I do? You’re trying to steal one of my cars. Which work better if they have these installed.” I pull out a bunch of wires from under my pillow.

“What are they?”

“I don’t even know. I reached under the steering wheel and yanked.” Okay, now I’m lying to him. But he deserves it, the asshole. The truth is I detached the battery in all of them, but simply telling him that doesn’t hold the same dramatic effect.

What can I say? I like drama when I’m being smug.

“Why can’t you let me make this decision for myself?” Dylan asks.

“Because putting yourself in harm’s way is a dumb decision. I am preventing you from dying of dumbassery. You’re welcome.”

“If you’re so determined to stop me from doing dumb things, then why do you keep trying to get me into bed?”

“My future husband is vicious.” I swear I see steam come out his nose. I ignore it. “Now, why don’t you be a good little boy and get some more sleep, and then we’ll talk about this more in the morning.” And by talk, I mean continue to tell him he can’t go.

“And I suddenly feel like I’m a teenager and living with my parents again.”

“Just remember, you can call me Daddy anytime you like.”

He flips me off and goes back to bed.

The suckiest thing about being a light sleeper is once I’ve been woken up, I’m awake. Especially if I’ve gotten a couple of hours’ rest. Normally, I’d get on my computer and check on all the jobs Mike Bravo is currently undertaking, but Dylan’s here, and if he saw half the shit Mike Bravo carried out, his good law-abiding self would be mortified.

I’d get up and go work out, but I don’t want to leave him alone. I could see him trying to break out the bathroom window or something. Not that he’d be able to because my bedroom is too secure. It’s the only room in this lavish house that has bars on the windows and a secure locking system that runs on its own power.

It’s not to keep people inside. It’s to keep anyone or anything from the outside getting in.

It’s one of the few places in the world where I feel safe enough to fall asleep and stay asleep when I’m on my own. The rest of the time, I have too many variables to consider before drifting off.

I’ve learned to function on little to no sleep, so this is nothing new for me.

I get up and make myself some coffee in the kitchen, which is across the informal living room from my bedroom. I’m still able to keep tabs on Dylan so he doesn’t try to leave again, and then I sit at the small dining table while emailing my list of directives for the guys today and going over the CCTV footage again on my phone.

Saint sent it to Ghost, who is more advanced on the tech side of things than Saint, and while he says the footage seems legit, he left a note for me to check. It’s hard to see what I’m supposed to be looking for when I’m on my phone, so I’ll look at it on my computer after Dylan’s awake.

When I’ve caught up with all my messages and any updates I’ve received overnight, I check the live security feed on my phone. Not only of the ranch but of headquarters as well.

I have a hunch that Walker might try something else off the books. It was obvious he didn’t believe me about not having been in contact with Dylan, and to be fair, he’d be right. But there would be no legal way for him to search any of my properties. No judge would sign that warrant. I’ve spent the last few years making a name for myself. Everyone who knows Travis West’s name knows I’m untouchable.

Which means Walker should know that if he pisses me off or tries anything, that’s only putting a bigger target on his back, but I’m not going to put it past him. Only time will tell us how dirty he really is.

Then again, shooting at a subordinate in broad daylight is high up on the list of signs he’s not in control of his mess. Whatever Walker’s involved in, it’s impossible to know if it’s only him, other members of Dylan’s team, how deep it goes, or how my guys are going to figure it out, but they’ll have to find a way.


