Our Love – The Story Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 220
Estimated words: 212755 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1064(@200wpm)___ 851(@250wpm)___ 709(@300wpm)

“Sure, it’s not like Cohen is going to make you test out the benches to see which one you look sexiest on.” Bishop’s not-so-helpful response made my face heat up and my dick get hard.

“I…” Stopping outside the doorway to Wyatt’s workshop, it took me a second to realize I was standing there with my mouth open while Bishop giggled. “You’re evil.”

I’d have figured out something else to say once my brain came back online, but a giggle from just inside the shop distracted me.

“Hi.” Wyatt’s grinning face popped around the doorway as I sighed.

“Please tell me you didn’t hear that.” I might’ve been a bit dramatic but he was a slightly nervous sub too sometimes so he got it.

That didn’t mean he was going to hide how funny it was, though.

“Um, I’m not supposed to lie.” Wyatt shrugged and barely managed not to laugh as Bishop gave him a beaming smile.

“I like you already.” My sweet Daddy had Wyatt blushing, obviously not sure what to say to that.

Cohen was shaking his head and smiling at Daddy and the situation in general. “Come on, pup. Let’s not embarrass Wyatt.”

Turning to me, Cohen reached out for my hand. “Cutie, how about you make the introductions?”

Oh yes.

Good idea.

“Um, Sir…um, Cohen, this is my friend Wyatt. He’s the craftsman I told you about.” Well, Wyatt was kind of a friend of a friend because he’d just kept popping up in social situations because his Dom and their family seemed to know everyone.

So Wyatt was basically a friend now…just not a get drunk and stupid with kind of friend.

“Wyatt, this is my Dom Cohen and this is my Daddy Bishop.” Turning to Bishop, I smiled and whispered to tease Daddy and Wyatt. “He’s Cohen’s pup and probably just got himself in trouble.”

Daddy laughed, nodding eagerly at a now fire-engine red Wyatt. “If I’m very lucky.”

Wyatt’s mouth opened and closed several times before he reached behind him and waved his hand. I wasn’t sure what he was doing until laughter came from behind him and another guy stepped out from behind the door. “Hi, until this one can talk without saying something ridiculous, I’m Carter and I’ll be your tour guide. I think you’re going to fit right in.”

Daddy’s grin said he liked Carter too, but he toned it down a bit. “It’s nice to meet you. We’re looking for a spanking bench to start.”

“Come on in.” Carter stepped back, pulling Wyatt with him. “He’ll be fine in a minute.”

Rolling my eyes, I shrugged at Wyatt. “They’re…”


Too cute to get frustrated at?

Wyatt finally let out a breath that seemed to have gotten trapped inside him and nodded. “My Master’s brothers are like that too.”

Oh yeah.

But I had to frown and give Wyatt a teasing glare. “Hey, Daddy and Cohen aren’t that bad.”

I’d heard stories about his Master’s family and we weren’t anywhere near that interesting.

Wyatt laughed as Daddy got the cutest confused look. When Wyatt realized Daddy had no idea what we were giggling about, he explained as he led us deeper into the warehouse-like building. “My Master’s family is large and boisterous.”

“He means outrageous.” I had to be helpful and explain as Wyatt nodded earnestly.

Daddy grinned, then gave Wyatt a who me expression and clutched his chest. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. We’re very sweet and shy.”

His teasing put Wyatt at ease again, which seemed to please Carter because the other man chuckled. “That’s what I thought. I was worried you’d never relax around us and this would be awkward.”

Cohen was back to shaking his head at their antics, but I could see from the twinkle in his eyes that he was glad we hadn’t overwhelmed Wyatt too much. “I think awkward is a very good way to describe us.”

I wasn’t sure if I should laugh at that or not, but trying to cover my reaction just had me coughing.

Yep, I was so smooth and subtle.

As everyone laughed, Carter waved us toward the back of the space. “He’s got a few finished pieces that you might be interested in, but if they aren’t right for the look of the room or you need a different size, that’s not going to be a problem.”

Carter’s gaze jumped between the three of us before he cocked his head and frowned. “I’m not trying to insult anyone, but he’s going to need to know who’s going to be using it so he gets the size part right.”

Good point.

Why Carter’s gaze settled on me, I’d never know, so I shrugged and looked at Daddy. He wasn’t helpful either. Daddy just shrugged and looked at Cohen, who sighed again. “Taking you two shopping is like a Who’s on First skit. I’m just going to start showing up with random BDSM furniture in the future.”

Thank god.

But I knew that wasn’t the response I needed to give out loud. “No, Uncle Cohen, we’ll be good.”


