Never Been Kissed Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31187 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 156(@200wpm)___ 125(@250wpm)___ 104(@300wpm)

Regret lingers as I report in for duty. I should have told her I love her. I should have told her everything.



Duke lies on the bed with me. His head rests on my stomach as I pet him. “Where is your daddy?” I ask him. It's been more than a day since I saw Bow. I’m starting to worry. He had work. I get that. I have no idea what it takes to run a farm, but I’m sure it’s a lot. I just didn't know it would require him to be gone overnight. Then again, I guess he could have gone back home. Slept alone and then went back to work. Why couldn’t I sleep with him?

“I’m a clinger, Duke. Can you believe that?” I let out a long sigh. I’m acting like we should be living together. “Is it wrong of me to think that? I mean really, Duke. You heard all the sweet things he said to me. I thought he wanted to marry me and for me to have his babies.” Duke lifts his head to stare at me. “Yes, you could be an older brother.” He barks. See, he likes the idea too.

“I’m going crazy.” Duke jumps from the bed as I start to get up. He falls in step in front of me. “If Bow and I break up I’m keeping you, Duke.” He is a well-trained dog. It took me some time to get him to come up onto the bed. He prefers to stand guard at the front door, but my belly rubs won out. I didn't want to sleep alone. Which is crazy. I’ve always slept alone. Unless Bunny was crawling into bed with me demanding we have a slumber party.

Now Bow has gone and ruined me in only a few days. I don’t want to sleep in a giant bed alone. I want a giant man filling it with me. One that smells like the sun with rough hands that feel good on my skin. I glance to the kitchen. I still haven't gone to the store. That might kill some time. I could also swing by Bow’s to check on things. I’ll do a drive-by. I pick up the key he left on the coffee table.

“What if he is over there wondering why I haven't come over?” Duke tilts his head, looking at me. I know. I don’t think Bow waits for anything. That’s why this doesn't make sense. I slip on my shoes, opening the front door. Duke bolts out, doing his normal circle check around the house. He reminds me so much of the dogs my brother often uses.

I lock the door behind me before heading for my truck. Duke jumps in when I open the door for him. I follow him in, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. My phone rings as I head towards Bow’s place. I think it’s going to be my brother, but it’s Bunny. Mason told me we needed to talk and then when I’d called him back he was out working. I haven't heard a peep from him. Not that it’s uncommon. He can get wrapped up in work if something comes up. Still, it’s driving me bonkers. He knows something about Bow and I want the details.

When I pull up to Bow’s his truck isn't there. I still go inside, grabbing some food for Duke. I find myself back in his bedroom. The bed still looks messy, the same way we left it. Being the crazy person I am, I steal a few of his shirts before leaving again. I don’t want to leave. A knot forms in my throat. Before I know it I’m in front of Jameson and Bunny’s place. Suddenly the peace and quiet I thought I wanted so much doesn’t seem that appealing.

Bunny is opening the front door before I’m out of my truck. She steps out onto the porch. “Come in here,” she orders making me smile. Jameson gives me a nod as Bunny pulls me into the kitchen.

“You want Jameson to make us something to eat?”

“Sure.” Jameson walks over to Bunny, dropping a kiss on her mouth before he starts cooking something. “Is that a ring I see on your finger?” The light hits it making it shine. It’s beautiful. I’ve never thought much about wanting a wedding ring, but I don’t think I’d mind wearing one to show off I belonged to Bow. Obviously he’d wear one too. I think I’d enjoy that most of all.

“I was gonna tell you about it but I thought you might be busy with Davis.” I swallow, shaking my head no. “What do you mean no? I saw the man looking at you with those puppy dog eyes.” She turns to look at Jameson, who is cutting something. “Davis broke up with her.”


