My Forbidden Crush Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 37781 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 189(@200wpm)___ 151(@250wpm)___ 126(@300wpm)

“Are you sick?” I ask her sternly, annoyed because she didn’t mention it. I am a doctor, after all. She might need a thorough examination. So, thinking on my feet, I quickly shift my tone to concern instead of obsessiveness—the kind protector, unlike the one in my jeans that wants to punish her maybe a little first. She should’ve told me, though.

“I’m fine,” Beth squeaks, creasing her mouth and shrugging. “I felt a bit off before, but I had a little lay down while you and Lucy were—” she starts to say, but I’ve already raised my hand. I press my palm flat against her forehead, my other hand gently seizing her wrist.

“Oh, for god’s sake,” Brad guffaws, stifling his “five beers and three pounds of ribs” laugh. He thinks I’m kidding, but I’m not.

The touch of her skin on mine has both of us gripped by something that should surprise me more, but it doesn’t. She feels perfect under my touch. The smoothness and softness of her skin against my weathered-looking hands are sublime.

She’s perfect and a very obedient patient, I perceive. I feel her little sound more than I hear it, the vibration of her evident arousal humming through her body. My throbbing pulse in my ears picks up on her most important vital sign—that she’s ready. She’s ready for a real man to show her how good it feels to be a woman, and now I know for sure. Now I know I’m not imagining things. I’m already greedy to touch more of her… to taste her.

“You’re burning up, Beth,” I lie, although not entirely untrue. “Your pulse is all over the place,” I murmur, feeling my serious doctor’s face tell anyone who could even try to doubt me that it’s true.

Brad shuts his noise down, instantly concerned for Beth. Lucy groans. “Ummm, hello? I was yanking my guts up earlier, and where were you two doctors then?” she asks with a high air of disbelief.

I squeeze Beth’s tiny, plump wrist, trying not to groan myself when she plays along, fluttering her eyes and swooning a little. After it intensifies, it’s clear she’s not faking anything.

She’s not ill, not in the conventional sense. This girl needs a real man inside her… stat!



Trying to even think about food is impossible while being so close to Bowdie. My stomach feels like a butterfly park. I remember the same man bouncing me on his knee when I was just a little kid, but that was years ago. Now everything’s different. I’m different. If this feeling pouring off him is anything to go by, I know he’s gotta be feeling the same way.

I get so close to a repeat of what I had to do myself in my bedroom earlier that it almost frightens me. Almost, but right here at the dinner table with Dad and Lucy opposite? It’s surreal, but I can’t help surrendering to it. I need to let Bowdie know somehow what he’s doing to me, but I think he’s one step ahead of me. At least, I hope he is.

If all this is just part of some forbidden crush fantasy disorder, I’d better see a different kind of doctor and have my head examined. Once he touches me for real, though, once I feel his hands on me, I almost give a convincing enough performance that I really am coming down with something serious.

Lucy doesn’t buy it. Even my dad’s giving me a weird look and has to put his two cents in. “As your doctor and your father, Beth,” he drawls, shifting forward just enough to feel my head and make me go “ahhhh” before he huffs with satisfaction.

“You’re fine, Beth,” he says, almost sounding disappointed, but Bowdie isn’t so quick to let it go. He opens his mouth to say something, but Lucy cuts him off. His hands fall from me instantly, making me miss them already, even though they’re only inches away.

“Dad, you’re embarrassing yourself and me,” she says cuttingly, glancing at the half glass of wine Bowdie hasn’t touched before giving me the same look.

My dad turns his head, looking shocked she’d say something like that, and only because it’s clear he can’t see it. He can’t feel the same thing I know Bowdie and I feel. I wish Lucy would lay off her dad today of all days. If nothing else, it’s cramping my style having her and Bowdie in the house right now.

“I-I’ll be fine,” I murmur, excusing myself and wobbling up the hall to the bathroom, having to sit down as soon as the door’s closed. I fight the urge to relieve myself in a way I need to right now, but I end up with my face in my hands, considering my future and the rest of this evening.


