Make a Wish (Spark House #3) Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Spark House Series by Helena Hunting

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

I’m in the middle of vacuuming the living room when my phone goes off. But it’s not a message, it’s a call. I glance at the screen and turn off the vacuum cleaner when I see it’s Gavin.

I answer the call and put it on speaker phone. “Hey, how’s it going?”

“Good. I’m good. How are you, Harley?” It sounds like he’s driving.

“Great. Just doing a little cleaning. What are you up to?”

“I just picked up Peyton from painting class, and she wanted to tell you how much she loves it. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course it’s okay. I’m so glad to hear that.”

“Today we worked with watercolors! It was so much fun, Harley, and next week we get to paint clay figurines!” Peyton calls out.

“That’s awesome. I can’t wait to see it. Maybe the next time we hang out, you can show me how to paint with watercolors too.” I put the vacuum back in the closet and close the door.

“Maybe I can show you tonight? Dad, can you drop me off at Harley’s instead of taking me to that meeting? Then we can paint with watercolors!”

“Honey, I can’t do that. Harley probably has plans, and it’s not nice to put her on the spot like that. I’m sorry, Harley. I promise when we called it was to tell you how much Peyton is loving her art class, not for any other reason.”

“That’s okay.” I pick up the dishcloth and give it a cursory sniff test to make sure it isn’t funky before I start wiping down the counters. “What kind of meeting do you have? Do you need me to watch Peyton for a bit?”

“No, no. It’ll only be a couple of hours. And we have her iPad already loaded with movies. Peyton will manage.”

“But Harley is way more fun than watching a movie alone on an iPad,” Peyton argues. “Please, Harley? Can I come over?”

“Oh my God,” Gavin grumbles, and suddenly the sound of traffic is gone.

“Please tell me you’re not driving and holding your phone at the same time.”

“I popped in an earbud. I’m so sorry, Harley. This wasn’t my intention at all. I should have known Peyton had other plans.”

“Honestly, it’s okay.” I glance at the clock. It’s just after five. If his meeting is a couple of hours he’ll be done by eight thirty. It won’t interfere with my plans. “You can drop her off here. I’m just hanging out. And she’s right, movies aren’t a whole lot of fun alone.”

“I can’t. I’ll feel awful.”

“I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it. Drop her off. Go to your meeting. She and I will have loads of fun.”

“Are you sure? I feel like I’m taking advantage of your kindness.”

“You can’t take advantage when I’m the one who’s offering. I’ll send you my address and you can head this way. Sound good?”

“You’re sure, you’re sure?”

“Positively positive.”

He sighs. “Okay. We’ll be there in less than an hour.”

“Great. Tell Peyton I’m excited to see her.”

“I will. And Harley?”


“Thank you. Again. You really are an angel, and I really, really owe you for this.”

He ends the call and I smile to myself, whistling on my way down the hall to the bathroom. I need to shower and freshen up before Peyton gets here.




Forty minutes later the buzzer goes off, and I let Gavin and Peyton in. It doesn’t take long before they’re knocking on my door. Normally I see Gavin in his casual clothes, but tonight he’s still dressed in a suit, carrying a purple metallic backpack with a llama face on it.

Peyton is standing at his side, a wide grin on her face. She throws herself at me as soon as I open the door. “Yay! I get to see you again! Want to see my watercolor painting?” She holds it up in front of me.

“Oh, that’s amazing!” I tell her.

“Dad said I can take lessons on Wednesday after school sometimes. Maybe you would want to come too. I told him that I want you to be my nanny again, but he said you have a different job now and I’m too old for a nanny. But Claire has a nanny, and she’s a year older than me.”

“Lynn and Ian have four kids, and three of them are under the age of seven, honey. That’s why they have a nanny.” His expression is apologetic.

Peyton twists her lips to the side. “Their nanny’s name is Tessa. She’s nice but she’s not as much fun as you.”

I bring my finger to my lips and wink. “Let’s not tell Tessa that, though.”

Her eyes go wide. “Oh, I would never. That could hurt her feelings, and I don’t want to do that.”

“I wouldn’t want to do that either. Besides, one person’s idea of fun might be different from yours and mine.” I turn my attention to Gavin. “Do you want to come in?”


