Love Me Again (Stonewall Investigations Blue Creek #1) Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Crime, M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Stonewall Investigations Blue Creek Series by Max Walker

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73754 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 295(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Very true. I guess things do happen exactly when they should.”

“Exactly.” I kissed him again, my still-swollen cock dripping some come. With the tips of my fingers, I traced circles up and down Charlie’s chest, the moment wrapping us up like a treasured blanket.

My phone buzzed, temporarily tossing that peaceful invisible blanket off us. I would have ignored it, but it kept buzzing, and I could see the call was from Zane Holden, the founder of Stonewall Investigations.

It was odd for him to call…

“Hold on, let me get this.”

I walked over to my phone, padding across the thick beige carpet. “Hey, Zane, what’s up?”

“Sorry if I’m waking you, Austin, but something’s come up that I need you to be aware of.”

“No, you’re not waking me. What happened?”

Zane took a breath on the other line. That made me nervous. “There’s been a murder in Blue Creek.”

“Who?” I said, bracing myself for any name that I would know.

“Wendy Farstone.”

Wendy Farstone. I had known her. She was a mail carrier for the local post office—everyone knew her. She always had a smile underneath her head of big blonde waves and would always check in personally on anyone who was sick on her route.

“Fuck,” I said, looking out the window. “How?”

“That’s mainly why I’m calling so early. Austin, she was found in her home with a knife to the head. The hilt was shaped like a horn. A unicorn’s horn.”

My blood ran ice-cold. “The Unicorn Killer?” Everyone who worked at Stonewall, and anyone who lived in New York during the bloody reign of the Unicorn Killer, understood how bad this news was. Zane himself had lost someone to the serial killer, who had targeted gay men and left their skulls impaled with a unicorn horn.

“We have a copycat is what I’m thinking, and they’ve clearly targeted us where they think we’re the weakest. I still only have two detectives in Blue Creek: you and Ryan. I need the both of you on this. I’ll see what I can do about getting you support, but Austin, we need to stop this before they do it again.”

I rubbed my forehead. What a swing of emotions these last few minutes had been. “You got it, Zane. I’m on it.”

I hung up the call, feeling slightly shell-shocked.

These last nine months had been so damn peaceful after the sheriff had gotten locked up. It only took three days for the fucker to sing like a caged canary, bringing down the entire sex-trafficking ring in a matter of a couple of weeks. Blue Creek started to feel like a haven, a bubble protected from the rest of the outside world, where Charlie and I never had to look over our shoulders to feel safe.

And now there was a potential serial killer on the loose.


“What was that about?” Charlie asked, coming to stand next to me, an arm looping around my waist.

“I, uh—” I decided I’d explain later. We had a long drive home, and I didn’t want to tarnish this morning for him. “I’ll explain in the car.”

He gave me a skeptical look but accepted it, resting his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him, and there we stood, holding on to each other, our heartbeats syncing and our love soaring past any form of bad news or looming threats. Our love had wings, and I knew we’d always fly above it all, getting as close to the sun as possible with every new morning we woke up in each other’s arms.

“I love you, Char. I always have, and I always will.”

I kissed the top of his head, feeling my feet lift off the ground as our love soared up, up, up.



