Love Another Day Read Online Lexi Blake (Masters and Mercenaries #14)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 135382 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 677(@200wpm)___ 542(@250wpm)___ 451(@300wpm)

Both men nodded. “And we’ll make sure Declan and Remy and Wade take their turns, too.”

“You have two children in that house.” She couldn’t stand the thought of someone else getting hurt.

“And I have a partner who hasn’t killed anyone lately. It’s making Jake cranky. Bring it on. I need that man calm. We’ve got to present a united front when I tell Serena I want to turn the upstairs game room into a massive man cave. She doesn’t understand the need for a TV screen that covers a whole wall,” Adam explained.

“We’re getting old,” Ian offered. “Our eyesight’s going.”

Charlotte groaned as if she’d had this argument before. “No. Your eyesight is perfectly fine. The children need a playroom, not a television overlord.”

Brody reached for her, gently hauling her up from her seat. “Thank you, Miles. We accept. And I’ll put Tucker on duty as well. He can learn from the bodyguards. He’s a good bloke, even though you’ll find him a bit odd. Excellent when it comes to hand to hand as well.”

“I think I should stay at a hotel or something.” And then everyone in the hotel was a potential victim. Was there anywhere she could go that she felt safe? Anywhere on earth where her continued existence didn’t endanger someone else’s?

When she didn’t move, Brody leaned over and picked her up like she weighed nothing at all. “Come on, then. We should get settled in. I want someone to follow us, make sure we get there all right. I’ll have Steph lay down in the back with Nathan’s car seat. Tucker can sit in the front. When we get there, I want a full walk of the property and a report on security.”

Miles gave him a salute. “I’ll let Serena know we have a few extra for dinner. Don’t worry. She’ll be thrilled. She’s been trying to write an Aussie hero so she’ll want you to talk a lot.”

“Brody, I said…” She’d said no, but it seemed foolish. Did she honestly want to do this alone? Her choices were to let Brody take some of the burden or let him take Nate and leave it all with her.

She was weak, but she wanted another few days with her son.

“Hush, luv. I’ve been gone, but it’s my turn to take over.” He leaned in and she could feel his breath against her ear, the sensation sending a long dormant longing through her body. “It’s my turn to handle things. You’ve done good, Steph. Our boy’s alive and healthy. Let me do my part.”

She sagged in his arms, his warmth too nice to deny.

It was all she would let herself have. This one moment where she could pretend he was really here for her.

Chapter Six

Brody closed the door behind him, locking them inside. He took a deep breath. He’d left Tucker with Shane Landon, who’d promised not to murder the bloke. Riley Blade hadn’t been able to promise the same. He’d taken the first watch outside the house while Shane and Tucker sat in the kitchen, drinking endless rounds of coffee and watching the security monitors.

And Shane was answering Tucker’s rapid-fire questions. He hadn’t stopped talking all evening. Tucker had been fascinated by the suburbs. He’d finally seen one of the trains and then told the story to everyone about how he’d nearly gotten them murdered by one. He’d gone with Adam to a big box store that he’d described as magical but was really just a place to buy nappies for Nate and some clothes and toiletries Brody prayed would work for Steph. Adam had treated Tucker like a child he was babysitting, buying the bloke lollies and soda Brody was sure would get him hyped up on sugar.

The only person who’d asked more questions than Tucker had been Serena Dean-Miles.

“I was worried Serena would think we were imposing, but she seemed more than happy for us to be here,” Steph said, her voice quiet. The sound of a chair creaking rhythmically let him know she was sitting in the rocking chair. “Do you think she understands how dangerous it is to be around me?”

“I assure you she’s been informed,” he replied. Another deep breath. They were finally alone. After hours and hours of being surrounded by others. They’d gotten stuck in traffic for an hour. Then he’d spent the early evening making himself acquainted with the house and the grounds, walking the security wall to ensure there was no way in. Dinner had been a big affair, with Serena and Steph making spaghetti and meatballs with a big salad. He’d watched them when he could, loving the way Steph relaxed around the other woman, laughing for the first time in hours as Serena made her feel at home.

“Somehow, I think Serena is made of sterner stuff than you think,” he replied, finally turning around.


