Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

“Where will we go?” I bend over and tie my sneakers.

“Back to the clubhouse, Em.” I frown up at him. “I know you don’t want to be there, but it is the safest place for you.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to be there…” I trail off because I have to keep in mind that the shit Bunny has pulled has nothing to do with Diego.

“I told you, Em. Bunny is gone. She’s been told she’s not welcome there, and she won’t be back,” he assures me.

He walks up and places his hands on my hips. Kissing my neck, he calms my frazzled nerves. I have no idea how long it will take me before I’m over the shock of seeing a naked woman in his bed.

“Thank you for coming after me and explaining last night,” I say into his chest.

He laughs like I left him no choice. “I’ll always come after you, Em. I just hope that it was the last time. I don’t like you running from me.” He leans in close to my ear and whispers, “but I love the make-up sex.”

I pull away and slap his chest playfully, but then settle my hand against his chest and look into his eyes. “You’re an amazing man, Diego.”

He just nods at the compliment and pulls me to the door.

“Kid is going to grab Ollie from Doc’s, but we need to get to the clubhouse. We’re going on lockdown, and until we settle this shit with Bobby and Wrench, I don’t want you off the premises.”

Chapter 38


Emmalyn seems to have settled back into the clubhouse nicely. I’m certain removing the threat of Bunny and her inappropriate antics is a huge relief for her. There has been no backlash because of her exile from the club like I had originally anticipated. The guys and other women here grew fond of Em in my absence, and they were actually pissed that Bunny pulled the shit she did. Not one of them has said an unkind word about me forcing her out.

Several days have passed, and we’re still on lockdown. I can’t complain as we’ve spent as much time as possible wrapped around each other. It’s been blissful and makes me want to completely forget the outside world altogether. I know we can’t, and I anticipate some news soon from a few outside sources we have looking into the connection between Wrench and Emmalyn’s husband.

“What are you thinking about?” Em’s soft voice pulls my attention back to her. She’s gently stroking my chest, and I smile at how easily I’ve grown to love her touch. I cherish every one of them.

“Nothing,” I answer.

“Don’t lie to me Diego Anderson. Your brow is pulled in, and you’re all broody.”

“Broody?” I chuckle.

She just continues looking at me forcing me to answer. I love this woman, and I love how she’s growing more comfortable with asking me what she wants rather than just letting things go. She’s growing surer of her opinions and is slowly voicing her concerns now that she knows I respect what she has to say, and there won’t be any form of violent consequence for voicing it.

I pull her head back down to my chest, suddenly missing the feel of her warm breaths against my skin. “I’m thinking about what happens next.”

“Next?” I can feel her smile against my chest and her hand wanders down my stomach.

“Not that kind of next.” I groan when she cups my heavy sack in her tiny hand. “”You said you want a divorce. How soon?”

“As soon as possible,” she says without hesitation. “I want that chapter of my life closed forever.”

“And family?”

She sighs against my chest. “I doubt they want anything to do with me.”

“You need to reach out to them, Em, but that’s not what I meant. Do you want a family, with me? Do you want children, I guess is what I’m asking.” He clears his throat. “Would you consider having my babies?”

She lifts her head and looks me in the eye, and I swear on everything holy she looks elated and heartbroken at the same time. She shakes her head slightly and her lip quivers.

“I don’t know,” she begins.

“I was just wondering, Em. It’s not a decision you have to make today.”

She lays her head back on my chest. “Do I want to have your babies? Of course. I can see us being a family in the future.”

I squeeze her against me tighter.

“I have the implant because Bobby never wanted kids. He said they would cramp his style.” She shifts her weight and buries herself deeper into my side. “I’m grateful he felt that way because I couldn’t handle bringing a child into our lives.” She grows silent for a long minute. “My life before you was… full of pain and abuse, Diego. He’s hurt me pretty bad before.”


