How to Win the Girl (Campus Legends #2) Read Online Sara Ney

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Campus Legends Series by Sara Ney

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 104745 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 524(@200wpm)___ 419(@250wpm)___ 349(@300wpm)

If I did, it was an accident.

You are so full of shit LOL

Sorry I can’t come keep you company—so you can stare at me while I try to type a paper. Which would be my worst literal nightmare.

How is that a nightmare?

You, staring at me while I’m trying to get things done?? No. Nothing would get accomplished, and I’d be screwed. I have English at 9 in the morning, and I’m not waking up at the butt crack of dawn to do my paper. Sorry sir, your begging is useless on me.

I guess I need someone to keep me in line. So few people do.


omg WHAT? What’s so funny?

You admitting that no one tells you no.

I never said no one tells me no—but few people do. My brothers do not count. They say it all the time. No is one of Duke’s favorite words.

I’m sure I’ll say it to you plenty….

Want to video chat quick?

Um. No.

See? Doing it already.

You only asked because you knew I would say no.

Quite possibly.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can’t stop thinking about our date the other night.

Which part of our date specifically?


YES. Is it a crime to want my girlfriend to feed my ego?

Your ego is big enough, but I guess it can’t hurt for me to mention my legs are sore.

Your legs…or something else?

Something else.

Such as…??

You know. I’m sore between my legs from all the sex.

It would have been more if you hadn’t kicked me out.

Yeah, luckily—cause Stella barged in first thing in the morning.

Who cares if she sees us in bed together??

I have to WARN her first, what kind of a friend do you think I am?

Warn her about what, my massive dong?

Omg. Never call it a dong ever again.

Not making any promises. I like the word dong.

I’m gagging.

I only want you gagging on one thing and one thing only…

Your massive DONG?

See, I knew you’d come around…

And I’ll be awake. I’m not really that tired, so I’m gonna watch a movie. If you need a break and want company, I’ll leave my phone on.

That’s sweet of you. Thank you.

I got you, babe….



It’s not you, it’s me…finally realizing how terrible you are for me.

He’s waiting for me outside of my English class, looking every bit of a book boyfriend hero. Not that I’ve read a book in a while—it’s been ages—but when I used to read romance…this is the type of hero I would conjure up in my fantasies.




His head is bent, and he’s looking at his phone, barely making eye contact with the students passing by in droves; students who are noticeably trying to get The Drake Colter’s attention.

Drake is most likely purposely avoiding them so he can be left alone.

He likes his privacy as much as he enjoys the spotlight.

“Fancy meeting you here.” I remember mentioning I had class, but I’m shocked as hell to see him waiting outside for me.

“Hey.” Drake kisses me on the forehead. “Need me to carry anything?”

He’s got a large duffel bag draped over his shoulder but still offers to take my backpack.

“No thanks, I’m good.” It was sweet of him to ask, though.

Generally, I wouldn’t call Drake sweet. It isn’t one of the keywords I’d use if someone asked me to describe him.



Kind of loud.

Not shy.


He takes my hand when we start walking.

“Drake, are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

A female voice stops us on the sidewalk, and Drake is the first one to turn around, pivoting slowly on his heel in the center of the courtyard next to the student union.


“Wasn’t planning on it.”

I recognize the girl from the bar; from our first actual date. Back to when he was pretending to be his brother, all smiles and jokes and awkward conversation.

She’d approached the table and he’d told her she was confusing him for Drake, while he was pretending to be Drew, which was a lie because he had been lying about lots of things.

I’ve forgiven him for it and we’d moved on.

But here she is again, raising her voice in the quad and from the looks of her, she’s planning on causing a scene.

Several heads turn.

Several people stop, wanting to watch the drama unfold.

Same people—same.


Hadn’t he said she was the neighbor?

I rack my brain for details and draw a blank.

“I’m his neighbor, Shannon.” She introduces herself in a bitter voice.


I feel like an idiot saying hi.

“And you are?” She’s taken a few steps closer, giving me a flippant once-over, her dark eyebrows a stark contrast to her blond hair, her spray-tanned complexion getting rosier by the second.

“That’s enough, Shannon,” Drake tells her, speaking on my behalf and taking my hand so we can continue walking.

“Did he tell you we were sleeping together?” the girl shouts. “Yeah. That’s right. We’ve been sleeping together.”

“Shannon, that’s enough. Jesus.” Drake’s head whips around to see who is watching and listening.


