Hacker in Love Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 169272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 846(@200wpm)___ 677(@250wpm)___ 564(@300wpm)

“I’m sorry I left you there alone,” Kat says.

“Girl, I’d quit, too, if I had a million bucks in my bank account and a billionaire boyfriend who wanted me to be able to hang out and play with him all the time.” Suddenly, saying that out loud makes me realize something. Kat’s not a workaholic type. Never has been. So, now that Josh lives in Seattle, and she’s living with him, why on earth would she start her own PR firm, like she talked about doing only three weeks ago? Maybe she’ll return to that plan at some point in her life, but why would she do it now, when she’s having so much fun with Josh? The man loves to travel, after all. To eat out and attend sporting events and parties all over the world. Clearly, she’s going to be insanely busy being Josh’s plus-one for all that fun stuff for at least the foreseeable future.

Excitement unexpectedly floods me. If Kat doesn’t open her own PR firm, and if Maddy gets into UCLA, it’d be a no-brainer for me to move to LA to be near Henny . . . and I’m suddenly realizing I’m enthralled by the idea. Yes, if Maddy doesn’t get into UCLA, then I’d probably lean toward a longer timeline for any eventual move. But either way, if Kat’s plans don’t include me, that’d surely take me one step closer to eventually living closer to Henn.

“So . . . about Golden Kat PR,” Kat says—because, apparently, she’s a mind reader. “I’m sorry, Banana, but I’ve realized I can only handle birthing one baby at a time—per year, anyway. And this year, my one and only baby is going to have to be . . .” A wide grin unfurls across her stunning face. “The accidental Faraday spawn that’s growing inside my uterus!”

My mouth hangs open in shock. “You’re pregnant?”

Kat laughs. “I barfed up a lung when I got home from karaoke and took a pregnancy test . . . and then got the shock of my goddamned life.”

I sit in stunned silence for a long moment. If Kat hadn’t laughed a moment ago, I’d assume this was very bad news, knowing her. Is she actually happy about this unexpected turn of events? Finally, I ask, “How far along are you?”

“Nine weeks or so.”

“And . . . you’ve decided to have it?”

Kat nods, smiling broadly. “I admit I was totally freaked out at first. But I’m actually super excited about it now.”

“Well, then, congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

“You’ve told Josh?”

“A couple weeks ago. Part of that rough patch I told you about was because Josh reacted like such a shithead to the news. He’s never once shied away from his obligations in a financial sense, but he made it clear, at first, he was anything but happy about the news.”

“Oh no. That must have been horrible, Kat.”

“It was. He was a total dick. Of course, I told him to fuck off. I said, ‘I’ll happily take your money for our kid, of course, but otherwise, you can fuck right off.’”

“Good for you.”

“I told him if he’s not all-in with me—and not because of the baby, but because he genuinely wants to be with me—then, fine, I’ll move on and find a man who does want to be with me. A guy who’ll not only fall head over heels in love with me but also with my baby, too.”

“Oh, God, I bet Josh shit his pants at that.”

“He sure did. But I meant it. I love that stupid man with all my heart, but I’m not going to settle for anyone who doesn’t want me. Fuck that. I knew, even if Josh only wanted to be nothing but a wallet to his kid, then my baby would still have me and the two best grandparents ever, plus four amazing uncles who’d spoil him or her rotten. Seven uncles, actually, if you count Zander, Fish, and Colin.” She’s talking about her brothers’ various best friends, all of whom have become honorary brothers to the Morgan family.

“Don’t forget the baby will have two aunties, too—Auntie Sarah and Auntie Banana.”

“Absolutely! So why would I stoop to trying to force Josh or anyone else to do or feel a fucking thing?”

“I’m so proud of you.”

Kat snickers. “It’s all a moot point, though. Josh is all-in now. Like, beyond my wildest dreams. I think the thought of another man playing happy family with me and his kid blew the top of his head clean off and cracked his heart wide open.” She sighs happily. “He’s so cute. He always wants to know, ‘How big is the baby now?’”

“I never would have believed that possible.”

“Me, either. It’s a dream come true—one I didn’t even dare to dream, if I’m being honest.”

“I’m elated for you.”

Kat goes on to tell me every juicy detail about Josh’s recent transformation from commitment-phobe to excited expectant father and live-in life partner, and I gasp and blurt exclamations throughout her entire story. The whole thing is classic Kat. I swear to God, that woman is a witch. In the end, she always winds up getting everything she wants in every situation. And the best part about her magic is that everyone around her thinks it was their idea to give her whatever she wants. Truly, she’s a genius. Not in a traditional, book-smart sense, perhaps. But when it comes to people—and especially men—Kat Morgan is the wisest of them all.


