Gage Read online Jordan Silver (Men of Honor #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Men of Honor Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 50449 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 252(@200wpm)___ 202(@250wpm)___ 168(@300wpm)

“Not yet, I’ll tell you if I need it.” I hung up as I pulled into the driveway and parked before jumping out of the car.

Mom met me at the door and I hugged her in gratitude. “You’re shaking come and sit down.” I led her to a chair in the kitchen which was the safest place to talk so that Holly wouldn’t overhear us from upstairs if she woke up and started down.

“What is wrong with that girl? What was she doing here? What the hell does she want?”

“I don’t know mom but I’m going to find out.”

“Should we call the cops?” I shook my head no because my mind was already way ahead of her. I have no intentions of getting tangled up in some legal web with the widow, that’s just what she’d like, any excuse to be involved in my life.

I’m going to let Brad do what he has to and take it from there. I don’t think it would be that difficult to deal with her ass on my own. I do have access to her money and would have no qualms about making that shit disappear if she fucks with my wife.

Dad showed up not long after and soon Holly was up. I had a ready excuse for her when she questioned my being home so soon after I’d left and she bought it. It was no mystery why mom was here, we’d gone to the doctor this morning so she was here to see the ultrasound and get an update, same with dad.

By the time my parents left I’d calmed down some but was still on my guard. My place is so secure that I’d know the second anyone stepped on the property but I didn’t want anything upsetting her. One of the things I’d learned in the last month or so of reading is that stress is a no-no in her condition.

That night I stayed a little bit closer to her, checking outside every once in a while when she wasn’t looking even though the alarm didn’t go off. I was on edge and barely concealing my anger but I didn’t give anything away. I felt violated and could only imagine that she’d feel the same or worst if I told her, which I have no plans on doing.

After taking her to bed and making love to her I stayed up well into the night listening for any strange sounds and talking myself out of getting into my car and going to the widow’s place to put an end to her shit once and for all.

Just what the fuck is she after? I’d mistakenly believed she was just one of those women out for a good time no matter if the guy was married or not. Her character was already suspect because she’d obviously married the old man for his money, but who knew she had this level of crazy in her.

To go as far as coming to our home and peeping through windows, that goes just a little bit beyond some home wrecking slut just out for a stolen fuck with someone else’s man. When I’d asked Brad to check into her background I wasn’t expecting to find much of anything. For one thing she was still relatively young, not much older than Holly to be exact. So I was expecting to hear that she’d schemed a few men out of their hard earned money at most.

But from the way he spoke it’s obvious that there’s more to her than I thought, it’s just left to see just what that more is. Didn’t he say she’d changed her name illegally? There can’t be that many reasons for someone to do that. Only one of two things in fact, if they’re hiding or running from something. What are you hiding? Looks like I’m about to find the end of that rope to hang you with.

If she’d left us alone I wouldn’t have given her a second thought. Having someone look into her was only a precaution of sorts since finding out Holly was pregnant. I can’t say that I expected her shit to last for much more than a few weeks at most. I thought that once she realized I was definitely not interested she’d move on to someone else, but after what happened today I’m no longer sure.


* * *

I’ve been locked away behind closed doors for the past few days afraid to step even one foot outside. I’m sure no one saw me because nothing came of it, but I can’t kick the lingering fear left over from the close call.

In those two days I’ve had a lot of time to think and ponder about my situation. A huge part of me says give up this farce, that Gage is not as ideal as I’ve built him up to be in my head. And then there’s that other part that knows without reservation that he’s the only thing that would make me happy in this life.


