Four Real Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50535 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 253(@200wpm)___ 202(@250wpm)___ 168(@300wpm)



Ryder: Will you be at your apartment tonight?

Me: Yes.

Ryder: We’d like to stop over, all four of us. Around 7?

Me: That’s fine. It’ll be crowded, though. You know I don’t really have room for all four of you.

Ryder: No problem. See you then.

On my way home from work, I stop to buy drinks and snacks, though I can’t imagine the guys will stay long. Knox and Logan haven’t been to my new apartment yet, so maybe they just want to see where I’m living. If they want to hang out, maybe we can take a walk down to the beach.

Shortly after seven, I answer a knock to find the Evans brothers at my door, two of them carrying a loveseat sofa.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“We heard it was BYOC, bring your own chair,” Logan says.

Knox nudges his brother with his shoulder. “It’s for you, Bianca. A housewarming gift.”

“Isn’t a houseplant more customary, or maybe a small gift basket?” I tease.

To my surprise, the sofa fits the available space perfectly, and its rich cream color looks great in contrast to the dark wood of my bed and desk. “You really shouldn’t have done this.”

“We need someplace to sit when we come over to watch TV,” Logan says, immediately taking a seat to demonstrate. The sofa only has room for two men, but that’s two more spots than I had before.

“Want something to drink? Beer? Soda?” I put out a bowl of chips and Cade helps me get drinks for everyone.

After giving himself an extremely brief tour, including looking out of the big window to the courtyard, Knox pulls out the desk chair and sits. Cade and Ryder sit on the edge of my bed, giving me flashbacks to the last time they were over, and I take a seat next to Logan.

“Now you can host binge TV nights too,” Knox says.

“I’m afraid this isn’t anywhere near as comfortable as your family room, but you are all welcome here anytime.”

Just like the last time all five of us were together, a restless energy circulates in the air between us. We talk about highlights from our day, Knox asks some questions about the apartment complex, and in between the conversation, we watch TV, or I at least pretend to.

When I take the chip bowl into the kitchen for a refill, Ryder follows me in.

“Need more to drink?” I ask.

He steps in close, pinning me against the counter. “I need you. I can’t stop thinking about the other night.”

“Me either,” I admit.

We’re separated from the main room by a small divider wall. Ryder takes advantage of our sliver of privacy by sliding his arms around me and brushing his lips against mine.

I kiss him back, because I can’t help myself.

There’s a new depth to this kiss, and nothing tentative about it after what we shared the other night. It feels right, and it seems as necessary as breathing.

Someone clears their throat behind Ryder and he pulls away.

“Don’t stop on my account,” Logan says.

Ryder shrugs a shoulder before cupping my cheek in his palm and resuming our kiss with a needy passion. Heat quickly builds at my core as his hard body presses into mine.

When he pauses to take a breath, Logan reaches between us. “That’s enough. It’s my turn.”

Ryder starts to object, but his brother doesn’t give him a chance. Smoothly, Logan pulls me into his arms, laying playful, teasing kisses from my lips, to my temple, and down toward my ear, where his teeth gently tug on my earlobe, triggering a throb between my legs.

His hand cups my ass and pulls me into him, letting me feel the steely erection in his jeans. Returning to my mouth, making me open for him, he scoops me up so that my legs wrap around him, and he carries me out to the loveseat, kissing me all the while. Dimly, I wonder what Knox and Cade will think, but I can’t bring myself to stop and look for their reactions.

Someone sits behind me on the sofa, and then there’s a hand on my back. “So this is how things are going?” It’s Knox. “You good with all this, B?” This question seems to come more from habit than concern. I’m kissing Logan with all I’ve got. It’s obvious I have no objections.

Our kiss breaks, and I turn from Logan to Knox, putting my arms around the eldest Evans brother’s neck as I climb into his lap. “I love how you always look out for me.”

Love. The word echoes in my head. I love these men. I’m not ready to tell them how I feel, but I’m ready to let whatever happens tonight happen. I wanted my first time to be with someone I love, and if it can be with these four gorgeous men, then I’ll be the luckiest girl alive.


