Empire (Empire #1) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: College, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Empire Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 94834 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

The minute I mentioned the doorman at the ball, I knew they would chase down that lead the first opportunity they got. So here I am, hidden in the back of Zade’s car, waiting for them to take the bait. They’re going to lead me right where I want to go. Right into the heart of Empire.

I’ve been laying here for forty-five minutes after somehow convincing them that I’m at home, tucked into bed and as safe as can be. I’ve been going back and forth a million times, trying to convince myself just how bad of an idea this is. But I need to know. I need to see it with my own two eyes. If somebody within that organization is planning on having me slaughtered like cattle, then I have the right to know why. And hell, perhaps even learn his name so I know who to haunt from the grave.

A loud yawn comes tearing out of me just as all four doors open, and I cut that shit off faster than I binged Wednesday. The guys get in, and I listen to the four heavy thuds as they pull their doors closed behind them. The engine roars to life before settling into a subtle purr, and before I know it, bailing is no longer an option.

My heart races like never before as Zade backs out of his parking space and I do what I can to keep hidden in the back. It’s nearing midnight and they don’t say a word, making the silence seem so damn loud. I mean, shit. I’ve never noticed how loud I breathe before, but it feels like every soft exhale sounds like a random neighbor’s two-stroke lawn mower screeching to life first thing on a Sunday morning.

We drive for no more than fifteen minutes before coming to a stop in the middle of nowhere. Zade cuts the engine and my brows furrow as the guys silently get out of the car. I wait a few moments before peeking up over the window and realizing we’re in an abandoned parking lot, and I watch as they walk away, into the darkness.

I’ve got to be out of my fucking mind for even considering this.

I should stay here. I’ll be safer here. But it’s also really fucking dark, and considering someone wants to play target practice with my head, perhaps I should stick with the guys. Besides, who doesn’t love a surprise every now and then?

Slipping out of the Escalade, I stick to the shadows and hurry after them, my brows furrowing as I notice them creeping closer toward an old train tunnel. Without any warning, they disappear inside.

What the hell is this?

Not wanting to lose sight of them out here in the darkness, I quickly hurry to the opening of the tunnel and peer in, seeing absolutely nothing. The only sign they’re in there is the sound of their echoing footsteps.

My hands shake, nervousness sweeping through me. If I don’t do this now, if I don’t take this risk, I’ll never get the chance again. I have to know who these people are. I have to know why they have such an interest in me. If I don’t, it’s my life on the line. I can’t trust Zade. I can’t trust that he’s always going to be there, and I sure as hell can’t trust that one day he isn’t going to grow tired of me and throw me to the wolves.

Sooner or later, Zade is going to replace his father as the leader of Empire. I can only hope when that time comes, he’ll be able to put a stop to all this bullshit. But in reality, I don’t know him. I don’t know what makes him tick, what calms him, or what makes him feel at peace. So who the hell am I to make assumptions about how he’ll lead his Empire? I could be walking right into a trap. It wouldn’t be the first time where Zade DeVil is concerned.

Sometimes all a girl has is herself. Best case scenario, the guys figure out who’s behind this and put an end to it. Worst case scenario, I’m out on my own, running for my life, hoping to God they don’t find me.

Knowing this is a bad idea, I slip inside the tunnel anyway, and a feeling of dread washes over me. Not wanting the boys to hear my footsteps on the concrete, I tiptoe after them, the tunnel getting colder the further we walk.

Goosebumps sail over my skin as the cold seeps into my bones. We walk for a few minutes before the boys stop up ahead and I pause, my heart racing erratically. It’s impossible to see what they’re doing from back here, and as the boys look around, I press myself up against the wall of the tunnel, willing myself to disappear.


