Eden High: Series 1 Read Online Jordan Silver (Eden High #1-6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Eden High Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 112163 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 561(@200wpm)___ 449(@250wpm)___ 374(@300wpm)

If I wasn’t as attracted to him as I am the poor thing might’ve stood a better chance, but it looks like I was about to lose that shit first time out the gate. How clichéd.

He walked me to my class and kissed me goodbye before heading down the hall. Belle seemed preoccupied so I didn’t bother her, and Tammy as usual, was in her own little world. Probably working out mathematical equations.

The whispers started right away. It was strange, but I’d almost forgotten that I was wearing his jersey. The looks soon reminded me though, and all the speculation running rampant within earshot.

“She looks like an idiot Mandy, don’t let it bother you.” Liz the lackey made a point of speaking loud enough for the whole world to hear her spiffy commentary.

I had no interest in engaging any of them, which is exactly what they were after anyway.

But the comments just kept coming fast and furious with a few colorful insults thrown in, as to my lack of any real physical beauty, and apparently my family’s social and financial standing were up for discussion as well.

Surprisingly it was Tammy who countered the attack and very effectively I might add. With her face set like a thundercloud, she leaned over from her desk next to mine and in a loud and very un-Tammy-like giggle whisper said, ‘so how was your dinner with Jace’s parents?’

Oh shit, it was like someone had pulled a switch. I was almost afraid to look behind me, and Mandy’s growl was nothing less than zoo worthy. “Get the fuck out of my way you idiot.”

There was the sound of a slap followed by a screech and some poor girl, who had the misfortune to want to be part of the in crowd ran out of the classroom.

Tammy and I looked at each other in silent horror. I guess we’d hit the mark, but I felt a little hint of a foreboding from Mandy’s reaction.

If I found just the thought of losing Jace heart wrenching, I can’t imagine what the reality must be like.

To have had him and lost! I still hadn’t asked him what exactly had gone wrong between the two of them.

Now I wasn’t so sure that I should, he seemed to be a bit testy about such things.

But I was pretty sure that as much as he claimed to be over her, she was nowhere near there.


There is going to be a lot of trouble I can tell. This place always has a feel about it when something’s about to go down.

This morning when we were out on the field watching the Jace and Sian show, I’d seen it clear as day. I knew then that I needed to tell someone my suspicions, but who?

I didn’t want to tell Sian, she was so happy, and I didn’t want to blemish that in anyway. I could tell Jace but first I’d have to figure out how to approach him.

I wasn’t exactly afraid of him, but I knew the power he and his family wielded here and I wasn’t about to risk getting my dad in trouble.

That’s the reason I’ve always stayed away from Jace. Everyone else was fair game and had felt the waspy edge of my tongue at one time or another.

But Jace had the power to destroy my family so I knew better than to mess with that. Plus he’s never done anything to me anyway, not that he eve knew I existed.

The guys had never really been a problem, well not the football team anyway, though there were other lackeys that Mandy had used over the years to do her dirty work.

But still, we had never really had any dealings with the jocks. Why would we? Tammy and I weren’t exactly their type.

I’d ended up picking the runt of the litter, the water guy who was in my estimation, the lowest guy on the totem pole, and decided to relay my message through him. I knew that Jace and his guys would take care of it.

I had barely got the first word, which would be ‘hello’ out of my mouth, before someone grabbed my elbow and started dragging me away.

Jared Claiborne. Looks like the football team shared a special breakfast of nails this morning, because the look on his face said he could chew some; pretty much the same as Jace’s had been just a little while ago.

I tried shrugging out of his hand but he held on tight and pulled me off to the side and away from everyone. My heart of course went into orbit, but I couldn’t let him know that.

“Are you insane new guy?” I’m amazed that I could get the words out of my mouth past the heart that had lodged in my throat.

“What were you two talking about?” He blocked me in on the side of the stands.

His eyes looked into mine like he could see every secret I ever had, along with a lot that I didn’t want him to see. I had to get myself together and quick before I made an ass of myself.

“Uh, nothing, and if we were…” I decided to go on the defensive.

“Don’t be stupid Red, now; I’ve been watching you for the last five minutes or so and there’s something on your mind, what is it?”

He can read my face, what the hell? We only met like two and a half days ago. What does it mean that he knows me that well already? I stared up at him trying to reconcile the reality of Jared Claiborne with the picture I’d had in my head.

If I were honest, I would have to admit to doing some looking of my own and suffering. I just knew it wouldn’t be long before he ended up with one of the perfect blondes.

Then my days of being carted around and cornered while he crowded me close will be at an end.

“Cat got your tongue Red?” He stroked my face. What the hell? I should be kneeing him in the balls right about now, why wasn’t I?


