Dark Warrior (Warrior #2) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Warrior Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 97127 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

It was close to supper when she entered the keep and she hurried to her bedchamber to freshen herself. She combed her hair, leaving the long blond strands to hang free and frame her face. Her cheeks glowed pink from the fresh air and her skin was warm from the sun.

Her solitary outing and storytelling time had served her well. She was ready to face the evening meal with Decimus. But more importantly she could not wait to make love with Michael tonight.

Her heart ached to see him and her body pulsated with anticipation of his touch.

Mary entered the hall to see most everyone seated at the dais. The seat beside Decimus was empty, waiting for her. No one occupied the seat to her left. It had been purposely left empty so that her attention would be solely on Decimus. She would have him and him alone to converse with.

Magnus sat to Decimus’s right, Reena next to her husband, Brigid next to Reena and then Thomas.

Mary approached the table with a smile. She would keep high spirits even though he segregated her from her friends. She had later this evening with Michael to look forward to, and no one could steal that happiness from her.

Decimus stared at her when she took her seat.

“Good evening, my lord,” she said graciously, bowing her head.

He seemed a bit befuddled and about to say something when he shook his head and leaned his face near to hers.

“You think to bewitch me with your beauty?”

She was startled by his accusation and did not know how to respond.

“You will wear your hair plaited as befitting a righteous woman, one who does not wish to call attention to herself.”

“As you wish,” she said, but before she could slip from her seat he grabbed her hand.

“Where do you go?”

“To do as you direct.”

He lowered his voice to a deep rumble. “Not now, just do not wear your hair that way ever again.”

“As you say.” She settled in her seat.

Bored with her isolation and with an upset stomach, she ate little of her meal. She heard peels of laughter coming from Reena and Brigid and wished she could join them. She never truly had friends; the cottage where she had lived was as isolated as she was now.

There had been a village a bit of a distance from her home, and she had made a few acquaintances but no true friends. She felt Reena and Brigid were her first true friends, and she wanted to spend time with them while she could.

She noticed that Decimus would send Reena and Brigid scathing looks when they laughed. He probably thought joy a sin.

Magnus finally broke her boredom, though this caused her a dilemma without her at first realizing it. He suggested she sing.

“Treat us to your angelic voice, Mary.”

Decimus ordered her not to raise her voice in song, but Magnus made it clear that this was his home and his word was law. Could she tempt fate and sing? She would love to raise her voice in a joyous tune. Singing healed her soul, and right now her soul could use some healing.

She decided to take a chance. She stood and avoided looking at Decimus, knowing he would not be pleased with her actions. She walked around the dais to stand in front of everyone. Tables were filled with many of Magnus’s warriors and Decimus’s men as well. The hall grew silent.

She chose a gay tune she and her mother would often sing together, and as soon as she began smiles spread wide. She never thought her ability special, but all who heard it swore she possessed the voice of an angel.

Her voice was clear and smooth, and sweet echoes rang off the stone walls, making it sound as if a chorus of angels sang along with her.

Once she started she did not want to stop, and she went from song to song. Everyone cheered her on, except Decimus.

He sat back in his chair staring at her, and she could only wonder what devious plans and punishments he conjured.

She finished with a beautiful love song, her voice hitting notes surely only an angel could reach. Silence followed her song and tears could be detected slipping down cheeks. Then the hall exploded into applause, the warriors, honoring her, jumped to their feet.

Mary smiled with joy and bowed several times before returning to her seat.

Decimus said nothing to her, though he stared at her with heated eyes. Surely she would suffer for her insolence, but she did not care. Her singing had restored her soul. She felt nourished and complete.

Decimus would impose his punishment, though, and one that was much too costly to her. He kept her at the table while he spoke with Magnus about nonsense. One by one the others drifted off to bed, the hall emptied, and still he would not let her go, no matter how many times she requested to take her leave. He denied her until she herself drifted off to sleep in her chair.


