Corruption – Underworld Kings Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 69662 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 348(@200wpm)___ 279(@250wpm)___ 232(@300wpm)

I might not like the asshole, but he was smart, because if he’d even left one bastard in there I’d have no issues putting a bullet right between everyone’s eyes.

And so here we were, standing in what was formerly Vladimir’s office, Timur looking like a smug prick as he sat behind the massive desk like a king on his throne.

“Quit fucking looking at her,” I snapped and took a step to the side, putting my body in front of Anastasia’s. She curled her hand around my bicep, and I looked over my shoulder and down at her.

“It’s fine,” she whispered. “Let’s not start this off on the wrong foot, okay?”

I knew I was dominating as fuck, an asshole on the best of days, and wouldn’t be winning any personality contests. Hell, I’d beat the shit out of any contestant who stood on stage with me during the latter.

And as much as I wanted a part of me to be softer for her… I couldn’t. Protecting her in the most vicious manner was the only way I wanted things to go.

I hadn’t told her the other reason I’d agreed to come here and speak with this asshole. But she’d find out soon enough whether Timur and the Bratva would “allow” it to happen.

I let my gaze land on the wall clock briefly. They’d be arriving any minute, which made me antsy as fuck because having Anastasia around the bastards was at the top of my “no fucking way” list.

But if I had a chance of things going the way I needed them to, there was no other option.

When I didn’t move and still felt tense as hell, she gave me that soft, sweet smile that melted a fraction of whatever ice had permanently embedded itself around my heart.

“It’s fine. He’s just as curious as I am. This whole situation is confusing.”

I glanced back at Timur and could see he was still trying to look at her. I growled low and he focused on me, leaning back further in Vladimir’s office chair.

I cocked an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. “Looks like you’ve made yourself at fucking home.“ I flicked a disgusted look toward the desk and how he was spread out behind it, looking like some kind of regal fucking Pakhan. I let my gaze roam over what I could see of him. The bastard was even sporting a black custom Armani suit just like Vladimir always used to wear.

But it didn’t matter to me if Timur was acting boss. Because I didn’t give a shit about anything but protecting Anastasia.

“If you threaten Anastasia or I have an inkling that you plan on double crossing us, I’ll slit your throat and think about the consequences with the Bratva later.”

He inclined his head. “Fair enough. But there’s no worries on that. I don’t want to hurt Anastasia. She’s my daughter.”

I made a dangerous sound in my throat.

“I guess let’s get down to it then.”

“What’s going on with the Vladimir situation?”

Timur ran a hand over his freshly shaved cheek. “Taken care of,” he said dismissively. “He was on his way out anyway. I’d been speaking with the higher ups for a while now, was told to watch Vladimir. I reported back that he was taking bigger chances, and then when you were taken,” Timur addressed Anastasia, “it was the nail in his coffin. He wasn’t following orders, and was going rogue.” He shrugged. “So it’s done and no one is to blame. In fact, Moscow sees it as a personal favor that he was dealt with. You both are in the clear.”

I could sense the tension coming from Anastasia and wanted to break Timur’s nose for making her feel this way.

“I want nothing to do with you.” Anastasia spoke up then, clearly surprising Timur with the change of subject, or maybe with her words in general. He sat up straighter in his chair and glanced at her as she stepped out from the protection of my body.

I stayed close and kept my focus on Timur, but let her have this moment.

“Sorry, but I just wanted to get that out of the way.”

A long moment of silence stretched out, and I could see the wheels in Timer’s head moving. The fucker actually thought he’d had any kind of chance at having a relationship with my girl.

“Just like that?” Timur finally said. He was good at masking his emotions, but I’d been trained to dig deeper and see what others wanted hidden. And the fucker hadn’t thought she’d freeze him out.

I heard Ana swallow and noticed she was twisting her hands in front of her. My strong girl was nervous but holding her ground. Fuck, I was proud of her.

“Just like that,” she finally said. “I can’t have a relationship with someone who would willingly stand back and let heinous, awful things happen to an innocent boy.” Her voice was rising the more she spoke. “I’d planned on cutting Vladimir out of my life because of that. You’re no different.”


