Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

My entire body goes weak at the sight of Viktor shoving the doors wide open with a gun in each hand. Light streams in behind him, making him look like a god.

Rage comes off him in waves, quickly tensing the air. It looks like his features have been cut out of stone. He’s dressed in black cargo pants and a long-sleeve shirt, the same outfit he wore when he kidnapped me.

Viktor dips the barrel of his gun in the bowl of blessed water and slowly signs the cross as his eyes drift over everyone until they stop on me.

“Moya Malen'kaya Roza,” he murmurs, a flicker of pain on his face when he sees the state I’m in.

“Viktor,” I whimper, straining against Alessandro and Tommaso to get free even though my legs are too numb to hold my weight.

All the heads of the Cosa Nostra rise to their feet, turning to face Viktor, who’s slowly stalking up the aisle.

He’s a sight to behold, all power and wrath – and nothing like the man who was kind and patient with me while I stayed in his house. There’s nothing sweet and caring about him.

The head of the bratva is here to take what’s his.

Thank God.

“What’s the meaning of this, Mr. Vetrov?” Mr. Parisi asks.

Viktor aims a gun in my direction, and his voice sounds deadly as he says, “You have something that belongs to me.”

Alessandro and Tommaso let go of me, and I instantly slump to the floor, chiffon billowing around me.

Before the guards can draw their weapons, shots ring through the air, making me jerk with each blast. I shriek when Tommaso and Alessandro drop dead on either side of me.

“Stop!” Mr. Parisi shouts. “Our families are here. Let’s talk like civilized men.”

There’s movement behind Viktor as the other four men of the Priesthood walk into the church. Heavily armed, they stand ready for action.

Intense fear bleeds through the church, murmurs fill the air, and people start to move, trying to get out of the pews and away from the Priesthood.

Using what little strength I have, I force myself up on my feet and say, “Did I forget to mention I belong to Viktor Vetrov?”

Greco gives me an enraged glare, but this time he doesn’t dare hit me.

Relief hits so hard, I start crying from absolute happiness.

Viktor came to save me.

Viktor’s eyes lock on mine. His eyebrows narrow, and his features grow tenser. “Who laid a hand on her?”

“Rosalie never told us she belonged to you,” Mr. Parisi says.

For a moment, Viktor closes his eyes as if he’s a second away from losing his shit, then he growls, “Who. Hit. Her?”

“Greco,” I say, my voice loud and clear.

Viktor’s eyes snap back to my face, and finally finding the strength, I rip the veil off and step toward the man I love with all my heart.

The man I never should’ve left.

Greco grabs hold of my left arm, and as he yanks me backward, another shot rings through the air, hitting him in the left shoulder. With a grunt, he stumbles back, shock registering on his face.

As quickly as physically possible, I walk to Viktor.

He only spares me a second to look at my face, then orders, “Go to Luca, moya Malen'kaya Roza.”

Luca hurries forward and wraps his arm around my shoulder before pulling me to where the rest of the Priesthood is standing.

Nikolas moves partially in front of me while Luca and Liam stand on either side of me, and I feel Gabriel at my back.

Unlike the first time I met the Priesthood, they’re protecting me today.

God, how everything has changed.

I watch as Viktor stalks toward the altar, his fingers flexing around the handles of his guns.

“Vetrov, this is no place for violence,” Mr. Parisi snaps while he indicates for his wife and Alissa to leave.

Viktor tilts his head at Mr. Parisi. “Yet there’s blood on the fucking wedding dress you forced my Little Rose to wear. I’d say this is the perfect place for violence. I’m sure the priest won’t mind saying a few words for the dead.”

“If this doesn’t end now, the peace treaty between the Cosa Nostra and the Priesthood will become null and void,” Mr. Parisi threatens.

“You forced my woman to marry Greco,” Viktor chuckles. “That fucking destroyed the peace treaty.” Viktor aims his weapon at Greco. “There’s only one way I’ll consider peace between you and us.”

Mr. Parisi glances at Greco, then looks back at Viktor. “What do you want?”

“Greco and me. Here and now. A fight to the death. I’ll even agree to no weapons just to make it fun.”

“Shit,” I whisper, my eyes going wide.

“Of course, he wants to kill him with his bare hands,” Luca mutters, then gives me a pointed look. “Never leave Viktor’s side again. He’s been driving me insane.”

Nikolas, Liam, and Gabriel all chuckle.


