Brothers Read Online L.A. Casey (Slater Brothers #6)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Slater Brothers Series by L.A. Casey

Total pages in book: 148
Estimated words: 143253 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 716(@200wpm)___ 573(@250wpm)___ 478(@300wpm)

I ... I had to do what these men wanted. I watched as they began to strip out of the crisp suits they wore, and my stomach roiled when I saw their erections. I damn near pissed myself when Hector retrieved a whip of some sort from a bag on the floor. I jumped when he cracked it.

“Strip,” he ordered. “Get on the foot of the bed, turn your back to us, sit back on your heels, and place your hands on your thighs.”

Robotically, I did as asked, and when I was in position, I had never felt more vulnerable in my life.

Don’t cry.

“Please,” I whispered, my hands trembling on my thighs. “Please don’t make me do this. I ... I’m begging you.”

Hector cracked his whip inches away from me, and the sound was so loud, it drew a genuine gasp from me. My reaction caused the man to moan in ... satisfaction. I jerked my gaze over my shoulder and found him standing a few yards away from me with one hand on his whip. And the other stroking his cock. I stared between his thighs, his oddly shaped cock had hardened enough to the point where I could see it visibly throb.

I turned my gaze back to the mattress, and tears stung at my eyes. Something inside me broke at that moment. I realised that my pleading and my begging was turning him on and only adding fuel to the fire that burned within him. These men ... they were going to hurt me in a way I didn’t think I’d ever recover from ... and to protect my little brother, I had to let them.

The whip was cracked again, and the sound was, once more, deafening.

“On your hands and knees with them spread apart as wide as you can so I can see your asshole without touching you.”

My stomach churned as Carl spoke, and in fear of throwing up, I didn’t speak, I only acted. I followed his orders, ignoring a single tear as it slid down my cheek. My body was shaking with fear, and it tensed of its own accord when the man placed his hand on my behind. Each second was agony as I waited, dreaded, to see what he would do next.

When I felt his wet finger touch me, and rub whatever liquid coated his skin, over me, my heart dropped. I knew what he was preparing for, and it killed me.

“Please,” I whispered once last time. “Don’t do this.”

I didn’t know what the man was doing because I was too afraid to look over my shoulder to find out, but when I heard him moan, I knew it didn’t bode well for me.

“Leave me alone,” I choked. “Please.”

“Beg us not to, pretty boy,” he rasped around another groan as the mattress under me dipped. “Beg us.”

A second later, he took a piece of me that I knew I would never be able to get back. I thought of stand-up comedy through the burning pain in my behind. I squeezed my eyes shut and thought joy and laughter instead of the large, sweaty man who was touching me, hurting me. I thought of my favourite films, and music when a hot hand wrapped around my soft penis and squeezed it to the point of excruciating pain. I pretended I was kicking back and shooting the shit with my brothers instead of focusing on the tongue that licked my bare back, and the teeth that bit into my trembling flesh. I thought of everything that ever brought a smile to my face, and when it was over, I prayed to God that I would forget this day and everything attached to it, but I knew I would never forget.

This was a scar no else but me would be able to see. This was a shame no one else but me could carry. This was a nightmare I knew I would never be able to awaken from. This was the end of my life as I knew it, and the start of a new existence I never wanted.

When I left the room, I was fully clothed, but I still felt naked. Jenner was leaning against the wall outside the room and looked up when he heard me. He shook my head as he looked me up and down, and said, “I’d never love my brother enough to let creeps fuck me.”

I didn’t reply to him, and he said nothing further. It was dark when I made it back up to the courtyard. I had been in that room for hours, a lot longer than I was told the date would be, and wasn’t sure what time it was. I only knew it was late. I was entirely numb as I walked to our family’s wing of the compound, and when I entered my home, I was glad to see everything was in darkness and silent. I stood in the entryway for a few seconds before I realised I was crying. I wiped my face and walked up the stairs, heading down the hallway to my bedroom. I didn’t look at any of my brothers’ rooms as I passed them by. I didn’t want to think of them right now.


